Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Ooh ooh, can I join? I’d like it if they get it, but won’t mind if they don’t.

Wait, that puts me right between the pongs…


Throwing my lot with the “Let Void Elves maintain their voidy identity and expand on it instead of washing it off” side once more.

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u know lots of blood elves are only happy with one of the blonde tones right? The others look like extremely artificially badly toned blonde hair.

Before void elves get more hair color options, please give blood elves the blonde tones they deserve. Then they can have our old hyper-dyed blonde hair tones. Hand-me-down tones

Or… VE can get colors from humans or KT or dwarves or gnomes and then VE dont need to worry about what BE have.


What is the last 5% of this thread even…

Those are nice blonde tones though, why should the real high elves have inferior natural customization options to faux elves?

edit: BUT WE HAVE HIGH ELF WAYFARERS THEY ARE REAL. Just cause you retcon a non-existent population back into existence, doesn’t mean anything other than that blizzard is lazy at writing.

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You are not high elves. Will always be blood elves. <3


More colors in line with their Void theme, as hopefully Blizzard will honor and uphold the remaining visual uniqueness of BEs moving forward.

Heck if Alleria and Turalyon are set up as villains maybe she won’t even be around long enough to claim a “I want to look like Alleria” argument, it would be time Alliance lost leaders the way Horde does.

There’s so many possible routes, another I quite like is just one day them updating her model and seeing Void Streaked or Void influenced hair. :heart:


Title =/= biology.

Technically faux elves are high elves too, but we gotta make a distinction somehow and the void just doesn’t feel right as a word anymore because 99% of “void” elves show no trace of the void.

Because a few people have a fit any time VE get anything BE have, so let’s honor their wishes and not steal their hair colors and styles. Then BE players can focus on how their blonde hair apparently sucks, even though it’s a hill worth dying on apparently to fight for.


Name of a race =/= title.

Blood elves changed themselves to blood elves, regardless what people wished to not be.


Nobody has a fit, no just means no. It’s not a difficult concept, we just don’t agree with your entitled perspective. edit: Ah I see, but what? Nobody cares about that. The point I was making is that you’re not getting new hair tones when you’ve already taken too much from blood elves. I don’t believe it’s going to happen, it’s pretty delusional to be that entitled, but to each their own. I’d be fine with you guys getting our unusable blonde hair tones if we got a fair pass of better hair tones first.

@Averyx ??? name = title. Don’t try to get smart with semantics that’s weird.

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I call dibs on her tats when she bites it.


Uh huh. We will have to agree to disagree then.

As long as Umbric calls dibs on the story attention.


I misunderstood your post because you did a weird deflection, read the edit.

I should start using your logic.

Since the Horde is now a subsidiary of the Alliance, guess what… we also have High elves. But ours have been playable since 2006, before the Alliance took over.

Just the kind of High elves that respect the death of their kind.

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Did you see the new Blue Eyes being used by our HE mage trainer in Orgrimmar :heart_eyes:

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My post stands. I’m not going to argue about who is entitled any more than what constitutes a fit.

We dont need BE hair tones or styles. Theres a lovely, long pony tail and half pony on KT that would be awesome. Also their hair tones are gorgeous, but I’m sure theres some really nice options on others as well. Male humans have some nice hairstyles for male VE. 5 natural colors and 3 styles for each gender is hardly scratching the surface of HE options for VE (which was split between BE and VE). Then give them some alleria style markings and a way to turn off the racial and call it a day.