Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I want Void Elf options. Too much High Elf already.


Yes it does. High Elves look more like Blood Elves than Voidy Void Elves do.

Blood Elves can have blue eyes. Lanesh the Steelweaver is a Blood Elf with blue eyes who’s been in the game since Mists of Pandaria.


Also… y’know… playable blood elves.


As far as I know it was never explained whether it was a screw up or intended. That’s a whole other thing from the past because they took HE customization and split the baby, so it’s pretty moot at this point to go back to old arguments.

I cant cook and type so that’s all from me or I will never get things done.


Blood Elves are High Elves so maybe that is the issue here as it is already the BE main theme, where as Void Elves have the Void. And now RP tools as well which I’m happy for people happy about them but I don’t want to see further infringements in that arena.


Alliance does not understand that Blood Elf is High Elf

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But guess what, it isn’t up to you, or Anti’s, or even the Pro’s to decide on customisations for Void or Blood Elves.

Blizzard already have said, that they are going to allow people to play there fantasy on the path they chose, whether through the Blood Elves, or through the Void Elves. Just because your upset because “muh Blood Elves”.

At the end of the day, it is up to the devs on what gets added for Blood Elves or Void Elves. Not the people requesting for ideas, not the people going against the request of the ideas.


Uhhhhh, nani?




So we’re going to keep telling them what we want and why. Just like I imagine you intend to do.

Its a public forum. Thats kinda how it works.


I would be just be happy with a good pitch dark galaxy black tint it would make the void hair extra pop and sparkly and then make a white galaxy ish tint like pure silver white with purply and blue tints to it . That way it’s still specific to void elves asthetic but still giving us what we want without taking it away from blood elves then.

And why do you think Blizzard doesn’t listen to anyone when there is 2 sides arguing with each other?

So let me guess… your suggestion is that we should shut up so you can ask them freely so the identity of BEs and VE gets ruined further, hm?


That’s a hard no. Not going to stop defending what little uniqueness remains of Blood Elves.

And for the record, jewelry is only on the females and eyes aren’t visible at anything farther than like five yards away.


I’m sorry… I am currently able to play a high elf on the Alliance side.

They are clearly listening to requests.

Also my belf is going to have his purple eyes soon.

I’m going to keep sharing my opinion and requests, thank you.


Just go ahead and copy the Blood Elf hair assets over completely and compensate the Blood Elves proper, with Void Elf hair assets.

To set them apart, the Blood Elves should recieve appearance options that play off of Undead, Fel and Solar/Sunwell themes while Void Elves get Void, Celestial and maybe Old God esque themes.


You would rather just have a straight swap than branch out for something different? I’ve been combing through humans and KT and there are a few nice hairstyles and colors there. Quite a few of the VE options already are some freaky, messed up version of BE hair.

This is unnecessary.

What, blood elves are unnecessary?

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No… make new assets, no more copy paste.