Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

It’s not for tripping kids along the street?


Just because it has a main use doesn’t mean it can’t be used for that too.

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Oh gods! Too bright!

Hmm… While the Light has a considerable amount of time being used against the Undead, wouldn’t you be more concerned with something closer to home? The Void walks your city openly.

I have thoughts on that actually!

So the little rune thingie!? I’d bet that does get dimmer if they’re like dying and stuff… Their tattoos? Don’t know… I like to think they dim near death.


Don’t you dare give them ideas! You washed up old druid.

You stink.

Like wet dog.

Last time paladins were this rude we four-manned their entire class order.

With all due respect, I really need clarification on how adding a KT hairstyle to VE has anything to do with BE. It’s not even their hairstyle. Or how brown hair color is exclusive property of BE. How is it toxic to ask for more options that have nothing to do with BE? The toxic part is someone claiming that these things somehow belong to BE players or affect them. So I need to understand how that fact affects anyone besides a KT player and a VE player (and no, it doesnt do anything to players who want to play a voidy elf because those options are locked in already).

It’s the same age old argument against HE. HE have been an alliance thing since launch day. They took some of the former HE and added a twist to make BE and then sometime made that version playable for horde, so then somehow HE became horde property just because BE exist? I can see the toxicity, but it’s not from players who want to play HE.

They sorta technically won that one didn’t they?

I haven’t finished that order hall yet.

Didn’t the raid leader die? Again?

Dozens of paladins died for the cost of one death knight who was immediately brought back, including the Deathlord dumpstering Liadrin in a 1v1.

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I have a sudden need to run my Death Knight through the rest of his order hall…

Any chance my pally can do it? Shes kinda pissed at how quickly the various Paladin Orders all forgot Legion.

Honestly the DK one was definitely one of the better ones.


Having natural hair colour on Void Elves would make us more similar in appearance to Blood Elves. This is objective fact.

I say this as someone leaning in favour of said options being added to Void Elves.

Asking for more options isn’t toxic. The toxic part is disregarding the feelings and opinions of others just because they oppose you.


Okay but that does not explain the result (ie how it affects them). Does this stop them from having BE or what?

No, the toxicity is arguing to stop players from having something as simple as hair options added. That’s the point of noting there is no affect. It’s simply me not agreeing with the argument and pointing out my thoughts on it, which is part of debating.

Toxic would be sarcasm and insults and flaming.


It makes Blood Elves less unique. Just because you or I don’t care about that doesn’t make it worthless.


And yet I never said it was worthless. I presented my counter argument and thoughts.

Should I be upset because their argument doesnt take into account the feelings of players who want HE options?

As far as unique goes, that’s a whole long and complicated issue which we could go back to old threads to rehash.

You called people toxic for not wanting Blood Elves to be made less unique.


I’m good with my natural color (you know the Blood Elves dye theirs right?)… but since being kic… er… I mean since leaving Silvermoon I just can’t seem to do a thing with my hair! Must be something with this Stormwind water company. Do they pump it all out of the canals??

Anyway dear friends from Silvermoon, send us same haircare baskets will ya?!?

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No I said arguing to stop hair options from being added is toxic.

I dont want VE to have BE options, I want HE options which again isnt BE options. I’m not even asking to just switch off tentacles because some of those are altered BE hairstyles.

Gold eyes and fel eyes are BE options. Their jewelry is theirs. If blizzard comes up with a brand new hairstyle for BE then that is theirs and it shouldn’t automatically go to VE. That’s why I am sticking to “sharing alliance options instead of ripping from BE again” which has nothing to do with BE.


Here’s a Void Elf hairstyle edited to be brown. Can you honestly tell me it doesn’t look more like a Blood Elf than Void Elves can now?


It looks like a HE to me. Now put gold eyes on her and I will say it looks like a BE. Give her red eyes and I will say it looks like a darkfallen (but the skin would need to change to finish that).