Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

The brightest one. I mean, we might as well trade all hair colors, and then you could have dnd-esque moon elf or PSO newearl hair colors for the Horde and standard elf colors for the alliance.

No because thats not what the established lore says. At no point does the game say “We did not siphon fel energies.” It started off with them doing exactly that, but then they made it ambiguois to try and hide the fact without denying or confirming it. Yet left in several examples still in game of it actually happening. Also High elves are not blood elves, they literally made a royal delecration saying “we are high elves no longer.”

Hair colours is not “Blood Elf” stuff, Lann. Please, you really need to take a break from the forums man. You’re over worked up.


If you’re having fun out of being spiteful towards people over a hair color, then I’m glad your fun is ruined.
And I wouldn’t categorize you and lann as “so many”.
I doubt most people are bothered by what hair color someone has.

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The top middle here?

also hunuwearls?

like this? I like pso, but I dunno if I’d want to rp one in WoW

Shall we look at the video provided by Sara herself?:

“And the main buildings that are still standing, they’re using demonic magic to maintain the acritical structures”

And the fact that the encyclopedia says that it was to power structures, that the only siphoning that was passed to them was to feed off the magic from living creatures?

How about the fact that we’ve seen in both Hellfire Peninsula and the Sunwell what actual siphoning does to blood elves? Where are the spikes, wings and horns on the regular sin’dorei? They should have them, yes? They did suck the fel juice according to you, yes?

Oh, absolutely no spite here.

You, however, seem incredibly hateful of the enjoyment of the people that wants to keep their races of choice distinct.

I really do wonder what drives someone to be so against people’s enjoyment.

That doesn’t change what they are… Just what they call themselves. Lol

Blood elves are high elves.

You know what might not be a high elf?

Void elves. They were actually changed.

It’s not spite. It’s a desire not to see their race reduced.


Because they did? they used fel magic even in their structure, fel magic became part of their every day lvies they used it for everything.

at no point the this say “And thats the only use for fel energy they had”

You realise thats a progression, right? it’s not a one time suck and you’re instantly a full blowen fel-elf, a little bit made them more agressive and green eyed, an overdose turned them into fel-elves.

Just like how the orcs are green from demon blood, but by your argument, obviously then never did that because we’ve seen the red spiked felorcs, right?

Jee Idk mid, maybe the fact that your enjoyment of a game is based off spiting people?

Like I said earlier, sorry for not tolerating your intolerance lol

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This is the most distasteful comment coming from you Sara, I’m quite fine thanks.

You are attempting to invalidate my opinion of which I have a right to hold and I find you wrong most of the time anyways, including but not only pertaining to how it effects BEs in this conversation.


They never drained fel, at least not as a people, their eyes changed due to fel radiation.

Devs and lore confirm this.

Why are you trying to push a false story?

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And you’re the one conflating “using” with “siphoning”. Those are two entirely different things. By “using” it, they were affected by the radiation, much like Alleria should have been considering that fel infested worlds are wound to radiate fel.

“Siphoning” is something they didn’t do.

Oh so now we’re using your personal time stardards? Very consistent.


Why are you so spiteful of how people wishes to have fun by maintaining a clear separation between Void Elves and Blood Elves.

You’re just being very intolerant of how they have fun and enjoy their gaming experience.

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It actually does change what they are, physically they are the same race as high elves, but they are not high elves. They are blood elves. High elves and blood elves are not the same thing. If you are one, you are not the other, you can’t be both.

For argumet sake, it’d be easier to refer to the race as Thalassian elves. which would actually include blood elves, high elves and void elves. Void elves have went through changes and are a bit different to the other two having void powers now, but are still the same race.


possibly, the new batch could be just changed in the inside and not as much on the outside.


Interesting, how would this happen? Since you speak of reduction, are you implying that void elves and bloods elves would have their hair colors removed?

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Nothing wrong with Black and White Dorp :wink:

No actually I’m saying they all used it. they activly and willingly used fel magic. And ontop of that. SOME of them most definitly DID siphon it, a lot of those who did siphon it ended up fel elves, but some, stopped before that happened.
Alleria however was constantly fighting against fel magic, they key difference here is that bloodelves let it happen, Alleria resists it with every fiber of her being because she hates fel magic and demons.

We’re not ‘anti’ as you guys are trying to make that into an insult. So maybe consider the terms alone that you’re using are antagonistic. We’re pro-Blood Elf uniqueness.


TIL allowing people to choose their hair color is spiteful guys…
It has nothing to do with blood elves and void elves being seperated.
If you think that a void elf player choosing their own hair color is spiteful then I’m not sure what to tell you.
I’ve even suggested that they usd human hair colors as Ive stated in the past.