Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

@ Kirela: They keep asking for only Belf stuff. They don’t want anything original and that is what bothers me the most.

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There is only 2 types that is suggesting that;

  1. trolls trying to paint posters here on a bad light

  2. People that don’t want any VE customization at all and thinks any request (BE copy paste or not) is a BE copy request. It is simply not true for all of us here.

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What BE stuff are you referring to?

Especially when they added new looks for necromantic magic all over Exiles reach and in the new SLs areas… Like now is the time to add Necromancers…

They’re cowards! Cowards I say!

I’m quite happy to wait. Hopefully for more Void based customizations…

Which belf stuff is being asked for?
Hair colors aren’t strictly tied to blood elves and it has been suggested that void elves receive some human hair colors that aren’t on blood elves.

This thread is about hair colors after all, anything else being requested here is not relevant. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

And I personally don’t care when void elves receive new stuff. If anything I’m hopeful other races pass before them. (COUGH nightborne COUGH)


I suspect all the AR’s will be done more or less at the same time.

Probably to less than stellar results.

I am pretty confused as well since hair colors are actually pretty widespread, right?


When it pertains to the Void theme are fine.

Encroachments into the BE theme any further are not.

This is the argument and you know that Dorp.

YOU believe limiting peoples hair colors to preserves YOUR “theme” (even though humans have nothing to do with blood elves). This is your argument, that doesn’t make it any less flawed or pointlessly irrational. You know this lannister.

I could also argue that I no longer want grocery stores to sell apples to anyone but myself, because I want to preserve my theme. But that argument is clearly not in good faith.

This also has nothing to do with my response to the gnome.


Looks above

Like the ones who try to guilt trip those who want to keep the Void Elves uniqueness with the disingenuous argument of “it really doesn’t affect you”?

Are you calling those out?


Arguably, some of those are for tenticle toggling, though if they don’t support that at the very least, then yes they are trolling too.

Though I don’t think it would be stepping on ppl’s toes if they gotten different hairstyles then BE. Different cultures has differing hairstyles after all.


Pointing out that you can keep enjoying your personal void standards while allowing others to enjoy their own is not guilt tripping. That’s called keeping an open mind.

(Here we go again)


It does because you disingenuously acted like you don’t know how BE stuff is being asked for.

Disagreeing on the issue is one thing, actively doing the “Idk how the BE theme is threatened” when people defending it have told you, is what I was commenting on.

Again the theme of regular Thalassian Elf does belong to BEs so yes encroachments into that is very much an issue and what’s being made the point of contention.

So again - it had everything to do with your response and you know that too.

Yet, it looks to me like you agree with those that, under your own standards, would be categorized as “trolls”


Why are you against the personal player experience of wanting to see their character and their race of choice as unique Dorp?

It doesn’t affect you if they wish look around their cities and they see people that look like they’re supposed to for the people they picked to play.

Why are you so against people enjoying their time in game?


I mean How does saying “it doesn’t effect you” don’t feel trolly to you?

At least present an arguement on how it can be unique from say BE current hairstyles.

Good then it’s settle, I can use the exact same argument and it wouldn’t be dishonest and disingenuous at all.

After all, VEs and BEs remaining unique and truly separate should not affect anyone, yes?

Thanks for the validation.

Okay then enlighten me, which belf stuff have I asked for?
You can use the word disingenuous as much as you want.

Except it isn’t, you can say this as much as you want. I can also claim apples are oranges.

A hair color does not define a race.

If you actually checked the context you would realize it isn’t, you’re just mad because you don’t like the fact that I point out how you blatantly wish to limit peoples hair colors because you’re irrational, you can hide behind the “blood elf theme” excuse as much as you want.


This irrational hatred for other people’s preferences it’s outstanding Dorp.


If people is argueing about it then it does effect them.

It’s silly to think it doesn’t and kinda disrespectful.

Like if someone says they want VE paladins and I argue against it, and they say it doesn’t effect me. That is kinda toxic.

Then maybe I’d start paying more attention when backing certain people up if I were you.