Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

maybe glue and feathers?

Why are there two void elf hair threads with thousands of replies? Is this some advanced necromancy?

Little bit. Yet we still don’t have that class… somehow…

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tinkers first!

WAIT YOUR TURN. Allied races come later for more customizations. You should be grateful blizz even added the blue eyes when they did.

Because they even had to do ANYTHING for Velf’s at the moment a couple of core races got screwed out of more work on them.


And become a Moonkin? Hell yes, where do I sign?

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Pics or it didn’t happen.

Yeah, just go to horde and play with blood elf

the void elf need lookslike a voidy thing
not a elf


I agree that other races should be prioritized before void elves, however that doesn’t mean people should cease from requesting anything else.
This thread isn’t called “give void elves natural hair colors BEFORE ANY OTHER RACE GETS ANYTHING”.
If anything more core races and other ARs will be Blizzard’s focus before VEs get anything else.



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Um, actually no.

I got void elves almost at the start of BFA. I came back to wow because of the idea of allied races. New races either just joining the horde or alliance that had been independent until BFA or completely new races based on a dramatic change like the void elves.

I loved the idea of the void elves. One reason was because I liked the idea of a factional split from an already established group of elves being transformed by the void and actually changing and thus altering their new name to signify their new race.

Then a bunch of new options were given to void elves that did not seem to me at all with maintaining that uniqueness of this new elven sub race called the void elves to make them basically indistinguishable from other long established races.

Some said, well those void elves still have the racials and at least some of the unique void hairstyles.

Choosing a void elf should have meant accepting that your skin tone would be either light or dark blue to mimic the void as well as the original void hairstyles that were released when void elf became an option to play.

Please stop ruining the lore of this game and trying to erase specific race’s identities.

I don’t want a bunch of elves running around stormwind much anymore calling themselves void yet not looking the part at all.

My void elf’s story is that he was exposed to the void for a long time and thus his hair colors, level of hair voidness and skin tone reflect that long term exposure to the void.

Please keep void elves as they were. We are a distinct new elven race and we deserve to remain traditionally void.

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Actually crushed they didn’t make the cut for SLs.

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I’m glad you can play what you want, now let others play what they want. What customizations someone else uses is for them.


Just look at the customizations for gnomes and goblins. 3 hairs and Earrings. Goblins rework left them with the same model shape for each of their faces. Some of the skins don’t even fit the the single shape they have. They figured the separate chin, ears, nose was enough.
Pandaren. They just got 3 hairs (one of them looks bad so i almost didn’t count it). 2 skins and they ability to pic their tail seperate from skin.

So yea time had to be sacrificed from somewhere. Goblin, Gnome and Pandaren were selected.

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Clearly you should be blaming orcs then. If I’m not mistaken, they apparently got the “most” customization.


specially since VE skin/eye customization was a copy and paste lol


I don’t. There are a diverse number of Orcs, Trolls, Humans, Nelfs, Dwarfs so i’m happy with how they turned out. I’m just upset blizz couldn’t take the time to think of more things for Goblins, Gnomes, Pandarens. They feels glossed over.

I’m just annoyed the Velf’s can’t wait till they get to the allied races. And small brained to just thinks “Why not copy paste from Belfs” Do you just want to be a carbon copy? Or don’t you wanna be your own thing?

Velf aspirations are very low and if this keeps going on blizz is not gonna put the same effort as they did others into Velf’s. I’m trying to prevent disaster.

Allot of us don’t want that, in fact before VE was a thing we asked for HE to have seperate models.

These days we are asking for VE hairstyles/colors to unique or from alliance races.

I do think more work needs to be done on core races, the biggest is seperation of tattoos customizations and more face options.


Then theres no reason to go on about VE.

I dont disagree. I havent looked and gnomes or goblins, but pandaren obviously didn’t get much of anything and that sucks.

VE players or VE characters themselves? Cause some AR did get bits and pieces added here and there (which is on par with copy/pasted options for VE, but players dont stop to really think about it), and as for players… Well, NB players have asked for things and I am pretty sure theres lots of requests floating around. That’s part of feedback. Player presents their idea or wishes and hope that blizz implements them.

I wanted a HE allied race. I actually think it sucks they decided to wrap HE options into VE since VE are terrible to me. Even a new model specifically for HE would have been fine.

And HE customization doesnt have to be a copy of anything. The skin tones that were added arent even a BE exclusive theme. They could have taken tones from at least 3 alliance races and then what would be the big complaint? Hopefully they give VE updated and beautiful hairstyles with natural colors to finish it off from other alliance races.

That’s subjective and not even accurate. There have been a variety of requests for VE customization. If the voidy requests are sparse, that’s on void enthusiasts.