Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Seriously, get out of your headcanon, and go learn your lore.

In the same post you’ve linked the inconsistencies are mentioned and then the RPG it’s brought up, which it’s known to be non-canon.

Then the mention of a present taint and:

With the sources seemingly contradicting each other, my argument was that it is possible to assert that the blood elves in Quel’Thalas did not, as a society, drain fel magic and that they are not fel tainted. The green crystals-one of the major pieces of evidence people cite in support of siphoning fel magic-were apparently in Quel’Thalas before the Scourge invaded and the elves adopted drastic tactics to stave off their addiction.

Granted, this is just someone’s opinion, but the fact that you yourself linked this doesn’t really help your argument.

Anyway, back to scouring the links.


From the quest “Tainted Arcane Silver” once you turn it in

Our efforts to reassert control over the isle in the time following the destruction of the Sunwell have been a challenge. I suspect that whatever foul source is corrupting the isle is at the heart of it all; this sliver may be of some aid in uncovering what’s really going on.

Arcanist Helion sure seems fully aware of their own siphoning to say that he needs to find out what’s going on in the isle.

So far, no progress on the finding of this supposed removed quests. I shall keep looking.

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Roughly half an hour of link hopping, still found nothing.

Tried searching if perhaps mana tap would be related to it. Nope.

Checked the Eversong Woods patch changes in Cata. Nothing but flightmasters, warrior trainers, mailboxes and training dummies being added to Sunstrider Isle.

Tried changing the filters in Wowhead so it would show me specifically quests added in TBC for Eversong Woods (patch 1.12.1). Nothing that I haven’t seen before, only that the quests that sends you to the riding trainer are not there.

I did find the interesting tidbit that I obviously missed that the “Burning Crystals” around Sunstrider Isle are supposed to be there from prior to the Scourge invasion since the mana wyrms were always supposed to guard those, so the fact that they’re using the standard fel crystal model adds to the inconcistencies.

I’ve learned one thing from this search… and realized that at this point it’s safe to say that I could complete the Blood Elf starting zone in its entirity in my sleep… I’m not sure how I should feel about that.


Don’t feel bad. You said you’ve created, like what, 10 Blood Elves prior to Cata? I think I made closer to 30.

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Yeah you got me beat in that aspect.

But it’s almost embarassing I know their starting zone better than I know that of the Forsaken even if I can say I love both Blood Elves and Forsaken equally… but then again, the Forsaken starting zone did change dramatically.

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Yeah. I miss the old one. :frowning:

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I still remember the first time I drowned as a forsaken back in wotlk because I couldn’t tell that the mob I needed to kill was inside the crypt and not behind it… at the bottom of a cliff that lead to the ocean…

Good times.

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I thought Alleria had green eyes anyway. They just changed them to the helf blue to make her distinct from blood elves in game.


We have no idea why they have different skintones now. Blizzard hasn’t come outright and said anything about it so anything said is pure speculation at best.

and those NPCS are nothing new. They were around when void elves were released and long before they had any plans of giving them high elf options.

They could’ve made a green palette swap of those non-glowing blue eyes with white sclera that High Elf female NPCs used to have, but they seem to have this fixation with glowing eyes on elves for whatever reason. The upcoming purple eyes are a nice break from this.

Oh, I forgot I did a mockup on this a long time ago:


You guys got me addicted to this, I’m working on a dark ranger look.

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Yes, give in to the dark side…

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I kind of want green eyes for my void elf now.

I got curious about this and now I went digging to look at blood elves that have been canonically away from Eversong (I guess I’m in a searching mood now…).

Sanath Lim-yo, the apprentice of Xylem in Azshara had and has green eyes. The guy has been there for a long time… still has green eyes.

Mathredis Firestar, the guy looking for the Librams that even lost his teacher in Dire Maul. Green eyes.

The pair of blood mages at Blasted Lands… but I guess in their case they could have been influenced by the dark portal? Despite that it would make sense for their eyes to be more on the red side considering their practices.

And Myrokos Silentform, he’s been first at Ravenholdt Manor who knows for how long, but still has green eyes.

Also, interesting how all of these are still labeled as Blood Elves, seems at least they respect those who died even if they didn’t stick around Quel’thalas.


It was being around the Fel crystals that turned blood elves eyes green.

Not draining it, not taking it in. Just passively being near it.

Fair enough. Not like I’m sporting tentacles on any of my void elves.

It’s funny. I have two of my eight belfs that I made post cata. The rest I made during BC.

I never once encountered that quest.

She spent a thousand years interacting with Fel, and Void and Light magic. Her eyes should have been ping ponging colors. Lol

Blizzard just doesn’t feel the need to swap eye colors since until very recently they mostly used it to denote faction line.

If you can bring it up and show us that’d be helpful. Should still be somewhere labeled as a removed quest.

I seriously have never had a memory of encountering said quest.

Void Ethereals did. Were you not paying attention to Argus and the recruitment scenario?

They sprung a trap with a void artifact… Put the void elves into bubbles and tried to change them… Then we stopped it midway so they didn’t go all the way…

Void ethereals.

They are servants of void… They use the void. Same group we see in Argus.

Void elves have different blood and tentacles…

High elves and blood elves are literally the same thing.

High elves and void elves are not.

No! Back to your pit!


Yes. They’re about as different from blood elves as Lightforged are from regular Draenei… Or Nightborn are from Night Elves.

Or our orcs are from Mag’har.

…Probably. As discussed, actual void elf lore is a bit on the scant side.

I disagree. LFD don’t have extra bobs, or bleed a different color.

Nightborne and Night Elves are likely just as different… which makes sense… since they’re not the same anymore either.

This, no. No comparison.

Lightforged are so infused with the light that they literally go up in sparkles when they die. It’s intrinsically bound to them. They also have light tattoos, have a naaru marking (optional) and the metal embedded in their flesh.

…I THINK they may bleed gold, but a wolf’s been gnawing on my priest for the past minute with no definitive results, so I’m not sure about my memory there.

Our orcs are rapidly aged and doused in so much fel they turned green and crazy. It’s so much that their children are marked by it.

I dunno about qualifying “drinking demon blood” vs “Poorly defined void ritual”, but your mileage may vary. Just saying that some details would be nice.

There are normal Void Elves, they are called Blood Elves. Makes little sense to ask blizz to copy and paste EVERYTHING one race already has, We didnt get night elves, or even proper Nightborne, we got twig night elves so…no, keep void elves the way they are, add more hair styles but do not give them the option to have natural hair or alterations.