Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Because Alleria was not siphoning fel magic? Being around fel doesn’t give you fel taint, you have to manually take it in.

And considering she was with the army of the Light, they almost certainly had magical items to feed her magic addiction. (If she even has one anymore, considering she was with the prime naaru)

Could it be because the Blood Elves in Silvermoon was actually using the Magic to power there city, where Alleria wasn’t using the magic at all?


Then I guess blood elves shouldn’t have had green eyes from the very beginning because they never siphoned it either.

At least you didn’t go full “b-but the fel juice”, kudos. But you really think crystals here and there have more power to affect a high elf than a planet being infested by fel?

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Once again, could it be because the Blood Elves were using the magic to power there city where Alleria was not using the magic when she was on Argus?


Oh, so you did go full “b-but the fel juice” and I just missed it. Gotcha.

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Yes. They. Did.

One of the first quests in Burning Crusade was Blood Elves being instructed to siphon magic from the Fel Crystals in the area.

Just because the quest was removed in Cata due to the Sunwell’s restoration, thus not necessary for new Blood Elves, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


Yep, confirmed Midare, you don’t know your lore.

“And the main buildings that are still standing, they’re using demonic magic to maintain the acritical structures”




I mean…I am not against this lmao! If people want ladybeards, let there be ladybeards I say! Just…not on my ladies.

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As long as female dwarves get them first.


I’ve done the starting quests several times, pre-cata and post cata. Not once have I seen one that required siphoning from a fel crystal. I’ve seen the ones for siphoning magic from creatures though.

Yeah, structures. That’s not them siphoning it and taking it into themselves, that video ruins your own headcanon.

Except that it just supports what I just said?


Which quest was this?

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And where have I said “siphoning”?

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That’s what you cling to? Old lore at best? Distorted and obviously cherry picked.

Doesn’t change BEs being HEs though :pleading_face:

You said “using” that’s true.

They were using the crystals for the buildings. Meaning the green glow is a side effect of that.

Meaning, fel exposure turns high elf eyes green.

Meaning Alleria should have green eyes too since she hanged out in fel infested worlds for years.

And old lore that doesn’t speak of siphoning either.

That’s the funny part.

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But Alleria wasn’t using Fel Magic when she was on Argus.

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Oof the newly founded “anti-haircolor” friendship squad is grasping at straws again.



Neither were Blood Elf Farstriders. They were just within Quel’Thalas.


I didn’t say all Blood Elves were using Fel Magic.

And I have made arguments in the past that not all Blood Elves were exposed to the Fel as well.

No, she was exposed to it, and possibly in bigger amounts than the Blood Elves ever were… and which is why blood elves had green eyes to begin with.

It ain’t rocket science.

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