Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

All the trolls have changed over time genetically and are different races.

And they all descend from Zandalari.

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Nonsense! Changes don’t matter! Every troll is the same, and you’re a troll too!

I can offer you a place to stay in your way to Brazil so you start learning dem capoeira moves mister.

Blood Elves are 100% identical to High Elves.

Void Elves are not. They are not high elves like blood elves are high elves.

Void elves were high elves (blood elves). They are not now.


I have different gentics to you, does that mean we are a different rae? does that mean one of us is not a human? or, are we just both humans with genetic differences…?

Oh C’thulu give me patience… we’ve gone into “But real life DNA!” territory.

Getting boosted with void magic and gaining void powers dosen’t change your race. They haven’t rapidly evolved into a new species. they are just blood elves with void powers.
Like spider man getting bitten and gaining super powers. Yes, he was changed, yes he’s now different. But he is still a human.
you don’t change your race like an outfit half way through your life.

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First you can’t compare magic mutation to anything in real life…

Second this isn’t how anything works in real life either.

Hell if we try to use real life race and species designs from real life then orcs and Draenei are the same species cause they can produce viable offspring that can breed…


Is this one of…

Clears throat

The secret truths?


Don’t you dare!


I have no idea what a MHP is, I’m just a dude who likes the color purple and my beard…also warrior beard? I NEED A WIZARD BEARD!

Nooo, my warrior needs decent facial hair.

This hunk of a sin’dorei needs it!

(Also MHP means Male Human Paladin… it’s a bit of a meme.)

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oh well…I would be a night elf pally but…even though they exist in the lore blizz is a butt about it

What about a void elf pal?

No. They’d go boom.

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I say let them

I’d make a VE just to sit at Telogrus. Whenever I’m stressed and in need of relaxation, I’d log there to watch the fireworks go off.

It would be a nice addition to running Gnomebliteration as a way to vent.

sips beer People still arguing for an aesthetic they can already have in game huh?


Hopefully blood elves can get fuller beards and void elves can get fuller hairstyles with tentacle beards! :octopus: (refering to the males obviously)

/tentacleflip intensifies

I would hardly consider a hair color belonging to a race aesthetic. I want pink hair for my blood elf and void elf :< And it’s been suggested that void elves stay away from the blood elf hair colors by simply taking on a few of the human colors.
Sharing hairstyles would be a whole other story though…


Adding that to my list.

Also come now. Let the female have tentacle beard fun too. Coward!

Can’t find where she states it as it’s been a while, but I know she does. However, you are more than welcome to go to Telogrus Rift and see there’s both High Elves and Blood Elves there studying the void with them:

“We no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.” - Silvermoon is still exiling those who study the void, thus, it’s implied that they have joined the Void Elves/Alliance.

And we know from the skin colors that there are more Void Elves being made, because the original void elves were transformed into void elementals but interrupted halfway, which is why they have blueish skin.


Following that logic then why Alleria doesn’t have green eyes. Hanging out at Legion controlled worlds that are sure to be infested with Fel for so long was sure to change the color of her eyes and yet…