Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I’ve been tinkering with blender for almost 2 years now and all I got to show for it it’s barely knowing how to even do a (very basic) rig…

Because you want to hide what makes them void elves doesn’t mean that “tentacles are not a thing”.

Try that analogy by having one of the 3 sisters falling into a vat of void juice.

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I was thinking of that scene of Jack Nicholson falling into the green goo in Tim Burton’s Batman so… we’re in a similar path here.

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My 5 second Google search of “joker vat fall gif” didn’t find it, sadly.

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And you can make a void elf with blue eyes pale skin and normal hair tones, which would also make nothing to distinguish the difference. There ARE differences, Void elf, high elf and blood elf Are all 3 different things, but they are not a different race. As I said, all 3 could look exactly the same with no physical differences.

who still looks exactly like her other two sisters, sure she’s different and now has void powers, but she’s still the same race and same familly. Spiderman is still human despite having went through changes.

No it means its an optional thing that can come and go. Not all of them have the void manifested tendrils, and it is not what defines them, being a void elf does not mean you have void tentacles, because in that case, that makes ME a void elf, because I’m a purle elf who sprouts void tentacles.

And yes, Harley quinn is still a human despite being dropped into a vat of chemicals, she’s pale and been changed. but she is still a human, her RACE didn’t change.

I’d like it if they kept void elves separate from blood elves and high elves. Otherwise whats the point

Joker is also still a human, his race didn’t change. shocking how that works.

You CAN make them look like they have no physical differences but they ARE different than high elves and blood elves.

Void Elves have been infused with the void… that makes them different. I mean, as far as I can see, a blood elf can’t go all voidy and use entropic embrace and a void elf can’t use arcane torrent because they’re not the same race.

If they were the same race we’d have the same racials, no?

Alleria is not a void elf. She is a high elf Ranger who uses void magic and they were all born as normal high elves so of course they’d look alike

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Confused noises.

I guess no one bothered making a gif of that scene from a movie from 1989…

I feel old now.

Oh no… please don’t tell me you’re using the Alleria argument here…

Because I really don’t feel like listing all the leaders that look nothing like the people they lead.

I’m still hoping to see Turalyon rocking a Lightforged Draenei cosplay though, it would be hilarious.

No, it just means they gave you an option so you can pretend they are not VEs, but that won’t make them any less Void Elves and very much their own thing.

Maybe you should follow his example and not be so serious all the time.

Acttttttuallly… Joker and Harley are considered “metahumans” in the DC universe.

So, they ARE a different race than normal humans.

Your opinion on high elves who call themselves high elves in Silvermoon.

I’m not, I guess I should have said Brothers to avoid people asuming it’s the windrunners (none of them are blood elves).
Lets call them Bill, bob and Ben. Their parents are Jeff and Jane.

So Jeff and Jane are both high elves, they have pale skin, blue eyes and black hair.

They have three children.
Bill is the first born, he stayed with them.
Ben and Bob joined Kael’thas and accepted the rename to blood elves, no longer considering themselves high elves.
Bob though started learning from Umbric and went with him on his quest, he got void zapped by the ethereals and now has some shadowy powers, so now calls himself a void elf.

Bob, Ben and Bill, all still have pale skin, blue eyes and black hair (though Ben and Bill had green eyes breifly they are both blue again).

One familly, the same blood line, look the same, except one is a void elf, one is a high elf and one is a blood elf. They are the same race they have just each went through different envorinmental and political changes.

But they are all still brothers, all look the same. They are the same race. Having void pwoers does not make you a different race.

Again, by that standard, I am no longer a Night elf because I have void magic.
Tyrande is no longer a Night elf because she’s the night warrior.
All demon hunters are no longer night elves/blood elves.
" a metahuman is a human with superpowers."

Having super powers dosen’t change your race…

I don’t even need “natural” hair colors. I’m fine with them being different, but my current choices are crappy grey, darker crappy grey, blue, and purple. Give me stark white and a couple of other options, and I’m good. Also…just ONE updo without hair in the face. I cannot stand hair in the face, and I hate hair clipping into the armor. Updo. Not in face. White hair option. And Meriweather will be so pleased.

Yes thanks for linking me Wikipedia, something anyone can edit…

Metahumans might still be human but they are a specific type of human that is a dirrerent class from regular humans.

If they weren’t different from regular humans they wouldn’t call them metahumans.

Theyre like mutants from marvel. They’re still human but they’re a different type of human. They may look the same (like high elves and blood elves) but genetically they are different (like void elves)

I’m not saying they arn’t different, Void elves clearly are different they have void powers. But then Night elf druids also have nature powers and sometimes even animal features. but tey are still part of the same race.

Void elves high elves and blood elves are all different, otherwise they wouldn’t have different names. But you can be different without being a different race.

Kul’tirans are generally bigger than people from stormwind, but theres no denying they are both humans.

Orcs drank demon blood and got stronger, greener and more blood thirsty, but they are still the same race as Mag’har, they are all orcs. Being teh same race dosen’t mean you are EXACTLY the same.

Light forged Draenei got light infused, but they are still Draenei.

Turalyon got light infused and seems to even be immortal. But he is still a Human.

They are still human but they are a different class of human since not all humans are lightforged.

If Draenei were still the same after being lightforged they wouldn’t be called Lightforhed Draenei.

Lightforged Draenei are an allied RACE. So blizzard is pretty much saying as well, that these allied RACES are different than the races we already have

People has been pointing this to you, multiple times.

“Bob” didn’t just get zapped, Bob was well into the process of being turned into an Ethereal. You know… the ones that have to wrap bandages around them so we can even see them.

It cannot get more biologically different than almost being turned into a barely visible being of void energy.

So in your quest to pretend Void Elves are not their own thing, you have to strip everyone else of their identity as well…

Again, then you should also start practicing your Shakira moves, Ms. Tusk-less troll.

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And void elves are still blood elves, but they are a different class of blood elves since not all blood elves are void infused.

You see how that works? being granted new powers dosen’t change your race. Void elves are still the same race just with void powers.

There was no almost, the attempt was cut off at the very start. All that happened is they got void infused so the void is part of them now. So they are blood elves with a part of the void in them. Void elves.

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Ok, so you only saw what you wanted to see in the scenario to unlock them then, because when I did it, I clearly saw them being saved by skin of their necks and even Umbric mentions this.