Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

The dev post people have taken to mean void elves can be high elves says in no uncertain terms that the options are for both factions, so presumably.



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What do the blood elves think of THAT?

…Honestly, I could do with a shot of short stories or another Traveler Series right about now.

I imagine they’d be ok with that.

The ones that stayed at Dalaran are not the only ones that didn’t return and for the most part, they are the ones that didn’t want to return in the first place.

There’s always chances that the rest of them didn’t return because they couldn’t, like the ones in Outlands so those should be ok in their book.

Also, as far as I know, the pilgrimages of HEs to the Sunwell are still canon.


Doubt they care, the blood elves have always wanted to bring the high elves back into the fold. The blood elves have never been shown to have any emnity towards high elves.



Should I start taking shots every time you say something moronic without contributing? because I’d get drunk very very fast.

Blood elves, void elves, high elves are all the same race, if you want to go really deep into it, Nightelves and nightborn are also the same race jsut even further detatched.
The race is actually ‘Elf’. ‘playable race’ refers to factions of the elf race.

One of these things is not like the other.


Lol, talk to AED about that.

But I imagine most of them would be happy inviting wayward cousins back. It’d be nice to have some confirmation. And maybe a individual story or two.

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Except no. Nightborne in particular are literally described as being a separate race to night elves in Chronicle so ‘elf’ is not a race.


By this logic, the race would be Troll, since elves used to be Trolls before they were changed by the Well of Eternity.


Elves are still trolls.

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That is dirty troll propaganda, we night elves were made by elune in elune’s image. That’s why cenarius (elune’s child) looks like a night elf.

So your retort to a joke about an overdone and innacurate statement it’s insults? Very witty and classy.

You can keep repeating it but it won’t make it true. I’ve already contributed a counter to this but you still think that temporary eye color can be compared to tentacles. Perhaps you’re the one that needs to contribute more than just trying to pass what you want to be true as fact.

Yeah, ignore the 10,000 year long separation and the influence of the Nightwell…

Better start practicing your Shakira style moves.

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Why do people keep doing this I don’t understand it doesn’t have a place in these convos. :pensive:


I’m not going to pretend I’m above those. But I do prefer a dry comedic retort… It makes me feel smart even when I know I’m not.

except they don’t have tentacles, some of them have void tendrils. Like I do when I go into void form.

You could literally have a familly with three sisters to the same two parents who all have pale skin, black hair and blue eyes. one’s a high elf, ones a blood elf and ones a void elf. But you’re trying to tell me they arn’t the same race because they each experianced a different trauma? Oh no, ones been void infused and ones been fel tainted, but they are all still the same race, of the same parents and look the same.

Sure Jan.

There is a huge difference between what happened to blood elves changing their name and having their eyes become green and what happened to the void elves.

Blood elves are high elves.

Void elves were high elves (blood elves).


I want to see velves dancing like trolls now. Does anyone here have animation porting skills?


The Sunwell doesn’t change you at a molecular level. Its already been evidenced by the fact that blood elves eyes are no longer green (reverting to blue eyes, yellow eyes etc). They are for sure INFLUENCED by the different energies around them I will agree but changed like the void elves? Not even close.

A much better comparison of being changed at a molecular level would be having the orcs drinking fel blood.

Its not the same case. The nightborne literally had thousands of years to change and evolve under that bubble whereas blood elves split from the alliance recently.

I cant remember the exact timeline when the blood elves joined the horde but it for sure wasn’t that long ago in game time.

Now that blood elves have blue eyes, there is literally nothing to distinguish the difference between a blood elf and a high elf. The only difference is faction/politics.