Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but a big problem with void elves at their inception was how little effort was put into them (story or unique appearance) compared to the other allied races.

It leaves everyone struggling with “Blood elves who got TOO blood elfy and whoops wound up purple and with better hair”, and there’s not a terrible lot to fall back on.

The entire Alleria story that’s the unlock has… Very little to do with our playable void elves. Wasted opportunity – still should have been Broken, but that ship has obviously sailed off a waterfall and here we are, scrambling to explain blood elves who ragequit the Horde.


The spelling of that kind of gives you away dude.

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Somehow I suspect they aren’t going to remove a playable race.


They absolutely need lots and lots of attention.

And no, this is not the thirsty side of me thinking about the goth bf, I mean it.

They need to consolidate themselves as their own people. Lore, development and yes, this includes visuals. Otherwise they will be always considered “Void Blood Elves” and that helps no one.

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Midare, so, you’re only ignoring the fact the only Umbric and his followers were transformed, and they were only transformed by Etherals.

I just read his post and had it in my head. Good catch.

And you’re already building a headcanon that says that the wayfarers are sure to not be changed at all and passing it as gospel.


They’re all Umbric’s followers.

What even is this “They aren’t Void Elves they were just transformed by Ethereals” argument lol?


Umbric was done dirty… he’ll never be viewed like the leader he is because of “Muh Alleria!”…

Until she gets raid boss’d because they’ve hinted so many times that she’s gonna take a villain bat.

Hair color is trivial compared to eye and skin color. Its easily changed.

If the High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars are supposed to change to become purple, then where is the Etherals to transform them?

Maybe you should stop with your headcanon.

This argument is case in point.

Because who knows? WHO FLIPPING KNOWS? We’re all just guessing.

Which is also part of the reason why the high elves get bundled in, because they at least have a bit of background and story. And obviously there’s SOME contact between void elves and the Alliance high elves.

…But we don’t even know the nature of that.



I’d like to find out more about the Horde high elves, tbh.


Honestly, yeah.

Are there high elves rejoining the Horde? Where are those blue eyes coming from? Is it natural? If so, how do the blood elves feel about that? Are they relieved? How’s Quel’thalas doing? What do the blood elves think of “Oh, it’s SCOURGE O’CLOCK again?” Will Lor’themar do anything besides worry?

Stay tuned.

Or don’t, because we’re not finding out.

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Oh hey, this one again.

I’ll believe it when I see blizz having enough… courage to turn an Alliance figure into a loot pinata.

That’s what I’d like to know.

Wait… am I seeing this right…

Also, what is Locus Walker? Chopped liver?

You first.

The story of the HE is being continued… but I wouldn’t say it’s by those that sell misc. items at Stormwind.

Their only link is that both have a human fetish.
Oh and being fanboys/fangirls of Alleria, that too.

I mean, they hang out and chat. So they’re talking.

What they think about each other, who knows.

They better be prepared!

I wouldn’t expect them to, but allied races (shockingly) arn’t seperate races. Kultirans are humans, Mag’har are orcs, void elves are blood elves. They almost all share a race. The only ones who don’t are the Vulpera who should have never been an allied race, it should have been fish-goblins.

The whole point of allied races was to add a new flavour to the pre-existing races.

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