Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

By the lack of logic on this thread, I have come to the conclusion that no shadow priest should have blonde hair. It just is not possible.


I mean if those shadow priests ever find themselves in a situation where they’re about to be turned into ethereals, then yeah, they shouldn’t.

If only you had

Peeps. Hair bleach and dye is real. Many void elves use their free ammonia to bleach their hair. Plus even henna to make it red. Why not in game.


That’s my point, they arn’t a compleatly different thing, they are the same thing. having differences dosen’t make you a different race. Void elves are still teh same race as high elves and blood elves. They just have some differences. Just like a demon hunter blood elf (who has more changes than a void elf) is still a blood elf.

Just like the illidari transformed blood elves into demon hunters, but they are still blood elves.

it’s still a change, where do you draw the line at what makes them a different race?
Minor fel corruption is fine, but void corruption makes them a different race? So, are orcs no longer orcs because they have green skin now? does that make the a seperate race?


Did you miss the part where I said the felbloods are the ones that are a better comparison because, just like void elves, they were actually, biologically changed, both to the point where abnormailties, actual ones (spikes and horns in the case of felblood, tentacles and purple skin on void elves) became evident in them?

You’re trying to put eye color caused by some fel on the air… in the same level of actual tenctacles…


If I get a sunburn am I no longer human? You are describing purely superficial, temporary shifts compared to literally growing tentacles and bright purple blood. A blood elf’s green eyes and an orc’s green skin can disappear over time. Somehow I suspect void elves’ tentacles aren’t dropping off after a few weeks.


It’s ok, is the price I’ve got to pay for him to be this perfectly handsome.

Void elves.



Years later, we’re still mostly guessing about what’s going on with them. Are they all blood elves who defected from the Horde? We’re speculating the ritual can be repeated, but can it? If so, what’s required? How many of them are there? Besides Comrade Umbric, how do they feel about their new allegiances? How do they sleep? If they are making new ones… WHY?

We know they can crack, but do they ever explode like demon hunters, because that’d be hilari… Um. Horrifying and tragic. Yes.


Hmm, pretty much. The argument from people here is that they want to keep everything for themselves, and they’ll try and counter with bad arguments to continue making it sound like it is there way.

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Don’t forget those cute little wings some of them sport!


I thought barbers had access to hair bleach and dye? What gives? Void tentacles are not real tentacles - their hair is just clingy on the ends with void static.


No comrade accepts a monarch as their master.

Someday I want to get Gallywix and Umbric in a cage fight.

I mean, it’ll be less funny now that Gallywix is down a peg, but still.

I mean, I wouldn’t say no to those wings… they look pretty cool.

Void elves going back to “normal”?:

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Alleria is a high elf that spent time in the void and still blonde.


Class traitor cage match?

I also specifically mentioned demon hunters who basically are fel bloodelves, and yes they are still bloodelves.

And yet theres nothing to say it isn’t reversable either. Maybe it will fade over time. They also don’t ACTUAlLY have tentacles like draenei do, they have void manifestations, like I do when I go into void form, I also get shadowy tendrils, and guess what, it does fade away.

Barbers in wow refuse to assist those from the void with hair, but gladly give pigment adjustments, which should be more difficult.

Very odd.

Alleria said horde blood elves have dirt on all barbers.


Demon hunters don’t just “drink fel juice”, they become the vessel of a demon. To be honest it would be nice if blizzard ever bothered to clarify exactly how that affects them besides… well… the demon voice inside them.

Are we…
Are we moving the goalpost already?

Those tentacles don’t stay with you after you dipped your toes in the dark side. Theirs do.

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