Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

We can go down right into details and digging the past to clear up the issue.

But for simplification purposes: High Elf = Blood Elf = Void Elf

At least, that’s the current logic that the game has decided.


The game logic also quite clearly shows why VEs are VEs.

BEs are High Elves because of a name change.

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Here’s the deal.
But, but… blood elves are high elves!
Void elves are also blood elves and high elves.
Not all high elves are blood elves. But now all blood elves can be the same as high elves, an alliance race. Void elves should be able to look the same as well since they are the same race, just different political loyalty.


And you already have that, that was granted via this last compromise to which BEs have no second visual theme, and some jewelry.

You’re not entitled to the full Regular Elf theme.

The game logic has also showed why BEs are BE. And no, it’s not just a name change.

Sucking demonic/fel energy to sustain their mana addiction, which gives them green eyes, is more than just ‘a change of menu’.

They simply didn’t have the phasing technology back then, nor their story telling in a MMO setting was great in the start.


Blood Elves didn’t suck fel energy, Felblood Elves did.

Blood Elves got the green eyes by being in close proximity to the fel energy used to rebuild Quel’thalas.


Only they didn’t they used it to power their buildings and it was residual energy that effected them so what are you talking about?


So by this logic we are seeing HEs in droves return to the fold of Quel’thalas under the BE banner correct? So basically no more HEs on Alliance?

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I dunno if you’ve noticed but voting for a different political party doesn’t make you have purple blood and tentacles, mate.


Opinion^ not founded in lore.
High elves, blood elves and void elves are all the same race. Blood elves were able to lose their green eyes over time after abandoning fel energy. Void elves also left the rift and should have always had varied hair colour anyway regardless of void energy. They may turn blueberry when enraged, but go back to normal otherwise.


Yeah I can see that very clearly. Thanks for sharing your opinion not founded in lore. You still wouldn’t be entitled to the full visual fantasy BEs have and I hope Blizzard sees BE fans need to be considered now after two compromises for Alliance HE fans.


Backing this trolley up a little bit…
Where did she state this?

While I do think this would be nice to add to the void elves… I think they need to do more work on bloodelf men first. The customisations added were really unbalanced, orc’s and nightelves got a million new things, but blood elf men actually got LESS than void elf men when void elves wern’t even suposed to be getting their turn yet.

So give bloodelf men warpaints, jewlery, battle scars etc first… then we can work on the allied races.



High elves and Blood elves are the same race. The only difference between them is political.

Void Elves is new race of Elves. They’ve been changed on a molecular level and have been infused with the void.

They are definetly NOT the same.


I like your story. You can say the same thing between Night Elves and Nightborne. Nightborne having once been the Night Elves of Suramar City, they changed on a molecular levels as well, underneath the huge bubble they had, over their city, for millennia.

I mean technically Blood elves were also changed on a molecular level due to the fel magic that turned their eyes green, its just to a far lesser extent that the void elves being infused with void magic.

Also by that logic, I’m a shadow priest, does that make me a different race to regular night elves?

Point is, Void elves definitly have some differences but they are still the same race, just like demon hunters are still bloodelves/night elves yet have had more of a transformation than what void elves have…


Except they didn’t. Blood elves having green eyes is like a sunburn. A reaction to their environment caused a temporary visual change, they are the same race they always were. Void elves literally have bright purple blood.


At this rate I can’t use Kiryu singing karaoke of Baka Mitai anymore, I just need to make a video of myself getting plastered while singing that sad song…

If you want to know how fel actually changes a blood elf to an actual molecular level, you should go to Sunwell Plateu and look at Felblood Elves.

Those are a better comparision than Blood Elves barely being affected by the fel on the air… unless you want to start calling Valeera a completely different thing than a Blood Elf because her eyes turned purple at some point.

EDIT: But hey, on the up side…


My priest finally updated! It only took me several attempts and lots of gold spent thinking that mogging and re-mogging would do it.


Thing is, it wasn’t the void magic that changed them, it was the Etherals that originally transformed the original group.