Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Alleria pretty much makes lore arguments regarding hair moot. The visual theme argument has more weight.

Even if they did, we’re playing Void Elves. So our characters have indeed been touched by the Void.

Game play often trumps lore. We didn’t need a lore justification for greater diversity options in Shadowlands. We don’t need one for additional options for void elves either. While I realize many advocates promoted diversity out of social justice concerns, it was not one of mine. I support greater options because more options are better for players.

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I was saying Alleria makes lore arguments against the hair moot. She is the lore justification for more hair.

The opposition would be better served focusing on the argument that said hair options would eat further into the belf visual theme.

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I understand your point, and it’s a fair one. Mine is that there doesn’t need to be a lore justification here at all.

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And detract from void elves theme.

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Alleria is the ur-example of a Void Elf. The only way our theme would be detracted from is if Entropic Embrace could be turned off.

IMO rather than haircolours they should ask more for the unique hairstyles angles.

Blood elves have their own stylistic fashionita hair going on vs the more goth/emo/rock style of velves or “forest” style of alleria.

A lot of people ask for that too but I consider that so dumb , it’s just a racial, chill.


Except Alleria’s transformation was entirely unique. Unless you’re saying all fresh void elves have now consumed a fallen Naaru.

Belves should not be denied this type of hair. Farstriders are a major part of their culture.

Probably some type of lesser version, otherwise there’s no lore reason for the new skin.

I disagree. She is a representation of the concept, the rest of void elves are centered theme wise on Umbric.

The natural skin tones were said by blizzard to be to allow high elves on both sides, so it’s apart from void elves theme.

Natural hair color and skin tones do not represent void elves, they represent high elves. Until we get actual canon explaining the high elves are actually following her path. (which I think they are.)

Alleria was a void elf before the fallen naaru, the fallen naaru just made her more powerful. She had been a void elf for a few hundreds of years now.

It depends how much their culture has changed, after all even Lor’themar who is the biggest ranger icon for them (since the windrunners are all other types of elves now) now wears his hair in a more stylized way.

Blood elf and high elf npcs have been seen trained by the locus walker like alleria was since velves were introduced, they are in telogrus.

Blizzard also didn’t say there would be helves on both sides, just that the highly desirable look of the original high elven heritage would be.


we didnt get purple eyes this patch!

Until Blizzard comments we don’t know if there is a lore reason or if they’re even canon.

Umbric was made at the same time as the players, and is therefore just NPC rep for them. It’s more likely that Umbric was based on the player options than those options being based on him.

But Alleria is indeed the ur-example, as ur-example means first example.

It would be so dumb if they aren’t canon.

Yes but we have no answer for how that has gone or if they’re actually following her path.

We can only make assumptions.

And blizz stated why they added the options to both was a matter of player option not entirely lore based.

I find natural skin and hair to detract from our Void theme at least until blizzard adds actual information to explain it.

We don’t even know if we can make more void elves Alleria’s way, or with lesser void essences, it’s all just guessing.

(again though, I do think that is what is happening.)

Sorry I got that I was trying to explain my thought on it.

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Alleria originally gained her Void powers by being infected by the Void (of course, if Wowpedia isn’t lying to me, which admittedly it could be).

I don’t think said information is coming. Shadowlands seems to be themed around dodging said explicit explanations.

Yes, I am unsure if they mean she gained true void based control or not, or if it was truly a part of her or just opened the door as it were.

She is definetly more now though. Where before she was just a high elf with void power, now she is very much a void elf.

I wish blizzard could explain far better the whole process.

Sadly it seems that way. Which is foolish. Explanation for current lacking races could be added without limiting options.


Yes. I’m really not expecting any lore addressing Sandfury options for Trolls for example, but it would be a nice addition.


So far I’m running with my two having deserted for the winning side during Pandaria.

One remained among the Pandaren and became a monk the other is a hunter who gains the Hordes trust before being accepted in finally.

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Well since Blood Elves are High Elves I guess we know which side has them.