Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Careful. He’ll measure your femur.

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He can try, but I can promise you, he wouldn’t be able to handle me.

Hair flip

On Horde. Until void elves lose the void racials, the name and the tentacles they will always be void elves.

I mean, your reply wasn’t a logical argument.

You’re mad that Alliance players might get hair colors that represent the fantasy race they’re trying to play in the expansion where they give you customization options to play what you want.

Somehow you seem to think a valid counter argument to this is insinuating those people are greedy?

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Think she’s got a leg length discrepancy or something?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Your opinion doesn’t bother me or matter to me at all. Random person from the internet.

The WoW art directors opinion is nice though.

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Everyone telling them they shouldn’t be defending them from Void Elves getting them.

Why would this be even remotely the same?

Void Elves have several color options. High Elves could easily have those colors as well. They’re colors and not important to whether or not you are or are not a High Elf.

You have what you need to be one. A hair color won’t change that.

You’re right they do. Like wine red, and teal. :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s a different argument.

You’re arguing for the faction exclusivity of hair colors.

That’s not important.

But, if for some reason they decided to remove all Blood Elf hair colors, save one for players but not NPC’s that’d be an issue.

If you want to play a High Elf it helps to have the High Elven hair colors.


He swings, and misses… majorly.

You can already play them on both sides.

I’m not insinuating it. I’m downright saying it. You are greedy. Is it clear yet?

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You’re greedy?

I’m trying to play a High Elf.

You’re trying to keep Alliance players from playing the character they want.

My want doesn’t actually effect you. Your want effects me.


You got blood elves.

And you have plenty of choices to wash what you deem “wrong” from Void Elves.

Want more? Then yes, you’re greedy.

And back to the weak attempts at guilt tripping.

Didn’t work before, won’t work now.

See? This is why I know you wouldn’t be able to handle me… so weak.

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I see no reason they cannot have those colors…

Then play one. You have one right there that you’re posting on, or you can make a Void Elf with the normal skintones.

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Eh. What we want has been pretty clearly defined for the last fifteen years.

It’s not going to change.

I’ve got a blue haired one. But High Elves need more hair customization options to bring them in line with what we see with the NPC’s.


When blood elves were introduced to the Horde, yes.

Are you finally catching on?

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Nah. I mean… we’re in a features request thread.

I don’t know if you noticed, but what’s going to happen here is that players are going to make it obvious to Blizzard the things that they want.

And what happens after that is up to Blizzard, but, we’ll continue to mention the customization options we want.

I seem to recall being told that we wouldn’t get the skin-colors or blue eyes previously.


Oh hey, you’re on a roll. Why yes, blizzard should consider the opinion of those wanting to keep Blood Elves and Void Elves separate and unique.

“Whining nonstop got me somewhere so hey, since it worked once…”

Ok, either smugly boast or play the victim, don’t do both because you look downright bipolar.

Yes, and I’m positive blizz felt that would be enough to quell the near constant complaints since it is a fairly drastic change to how the Void Elf were first introduced.

That’s nice? Considering you’re not a wow developer your being positive about this doesn’t mean much.

One side is asking for customization features so they can play what they want to play, which is a lore specific group in the videogame.

The other group doesn’t want Alliance players to have something.

It’s not exactly an effective counter argument.


WoW Gamepedia Wiki: Silver Covenant Affiliations: Alliance, Kirin Tor Offensive, Kirin Tor, Unseen Path

Neither does wanting to play a high elf on Alliance since they got Void Elfs but here we are.