Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

We got Alpha of Azeroth, I think it would be fun to play 1.0.

I cannot speak for WoW, but I remember early D2 and when spells could be OP just by putting too many points in them. Like fire sorcs and screens of firewall with no cool downs and lasting like 10 minutes.

There is a certain je ne sais quoi with old patches: they were like a rite of passage. You had to be there when said mechanic was broken

They’re crying now, but if you go back and look at November / December of 2017 they were 100% onboard with 1.12 no questions asked.


“We’re getting Vanilla again by Blizzard? Any version will do!”

Two months later…

"Hey so we’re getting Classic, but maybe not the right classic…

Two months later…



How is having the same class balance problems as my idea with faceroll content until AQ40 a better solution? My idea you get the challenge back, but 1.12 you just get a watered down patch progression with nerfed content as the highest raid tier until Naxx is released. Having better classes and itemization than at the launch of those raids is an indirect nerf to those raids. If you think watered down content will welcome meme specs, you haven’t met the min-maxing group of people that will lead almost every decent raiding guild.

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Less than 2% of all raiders even made it to sapph. In vanilla. It was the lowest clear for over a decade.

Oh look its the troll.

Who clearly has no idea about how the orbit of the earth or precessions work.

I also never once said i cleared naxx. I said i got to kel. But never killed.

Blizzard is making this because people asked for the real thing… Now that they get the real thing and it is easyier than they remember! They want everything to change lmao.

Sadly, it’s impossible to go back to the first day you’ve set foot in azeroth. No matter how hard you are making the content to be, you still know what to do.

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It’s not the same balance issues because it’s not just about hybrids. It’s not like all the pure DPS have roughly equal damage output either. It’s not like you can undo the Fury Warrior buffs that turned them into a top tier DPS.

You can’t just apply a global X% modifier and expect to get your personal subjective experience back, or anything close to it.

It’s not “the next best thing”. It’s just an inauthentic change trying to chase something you’ll never get back.

We are getting “the most polished version of Vanilla WoW”.

We are also getting “the most easy version of Vanilla WoW”

Agreed. They could also just buff HP/dmg of enemies, which private servers have done in dungeons and raids with a lot of success.

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Yeah. They’re not doing that.

Fixed that for you Eloraell :slight_smile:

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Vanilla was never hard. It was grindy. Due to horrible drop rates and badly designed quest ordering.

But the quest design made it fun. Due to being made to run through zones clearly to high for you.

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Vanilla WoW was not 1.12. It span a lot of patches with lots of changes. 1.12 is the most incomplete version of Vanilla WoW in my opinion. And the smallest part too.

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Vanilla was “easy” from day 1. It was literally the care bear mmo of it’s time.

Compared to every other mmo on the market at the time.

Vanilla was the lfr of mmos when it came out.


Chicago suburbs?

Vanilla was “easy” from day 1. It was literally the care bear mmo of it’s time.

And yet it got easier and easier all the way from 1.1 to 1.12.

And 15 years later, with player skill/knowledge being a lot higher, we want to go with the easiest version of it?

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Cept they do this because everything else is wrong.

Because the bosses armor value and resistance was wrong according to the pserver devs.

The other reason they need to buff those boss is because on pservers you can stack the druid/rogue and warrior armor debuffs. In vanilla these debuffs override each other. Which actually put the bosses armor to something like -400%, (can’t remember the exact numbers). So they needed to buff thr bosses hp/dmg to make up for this.

It was still easy.

Also if you compare the hardest form of raiding today and the hardest in vanilla.

Its not even a question that mythic raiding today is harder.

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No, they do this because it makes for a better player experience. On some pservers (kronos 1, for example) it was more blizzlike and people constantly complained that it was too easy. That’s why servers like Nost were much more popular.

I mean look at dungeons. On Classic, you can run Wailing Caverns without stopping to drink a single time. On Nost-like pservers, you need to drink every 2-3 mobs and often use cc.

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