Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

Unlike most of the expansions, the classes and the content had big changes and not just your typical buffs and nerfs. We might not be getting the classes as they were in the patches, but we can get the content or at least close to it by reverting at least some of the changes to it. Also add in a global nerf to damage, healing, and tank threat that will gradually ease off as the phases progress and it will be gone on the Naxx phase. For MC/Ony, it should be in the ballpark of a 30% nerf to healing and damage and nerf bonus threat on tanking abilities by 50%. Then bring it to around 25% damage/healing and 40% tank threat for BwL and 10/20% for AQ40. Those numbers are not 100% accurate, but they are in the ballpark. This is not the ideal patch progression, but at least the experience will resemble a proper patch progression with this idea. As is, we are getting pre-TBC where everything in early phases is nerfed to the ground to help guilds get to AQ40 and Naxx, but AQ40 and Naxx are locked for over a year.


Pre-TBC was 2.0.1

We are getting “the most polished version of Vanilla WoW”.


They started with the most polished version, then they gate off the challenging content and all that’s left is the MC/Ony that’s nerfed to the ground to get guilds into BwL. Also technically you are right, but 1.12 was the patch where everything was nerfed most in vanilla and it feels more like TBC than the majority of vanilla.


If, by “polished”, you mean “convenient and fastest rewarding”, you would be correct.


You do realize that it is already in beta so 1.12 is a done deal. Remember this is blizzard. They are releasing on the launch date whether it is ready or not.


Which they a) already pushed back, and b) will be ready because they’re not listening to all these “mimimimimi” demands.


As much as I would have wanted to have a 1.1->1.12 patch progression, people are vastly overestimating just how difficult the original version of Vanilla would be.

We’re getting the game back, not our personal experiences.


How did they push the launch date back? Did they have a set date before?


Release date is set. It will launch even if it is still not ready. Look their history in the last 10 years.


They were planning mid summer, clearly July. That’s why we’d have a Classic Summer. But then it turned out to be “3 days of Classic Summer”. It was clearly pushed back.

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I never remember them ever saying mid-summer. Summer is summer. Even if its a month before Fall.


I’m hoping they don’t have to learn the hard way from low sales. The private server crowd should be their target audience as they are the reason we have Classic.

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3 days :wink: (C’mon, we used to enjoy this argument)

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I saw no indication of any of that. Only fan projections based on a pre-BlizzCon leak and personal hopes.


Fall is September the 23rd this year. Do you really think the seasons start at the beginning of months?


Truthfully, seasons actually start and end whenever the hell they want to. We need to stop scheduling them.


See! You do like that argument!

Summer is June 1st to August 31st :slight_smile:


Such a troll.


This is the next best thing to patch progression. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than not even trying by copy-pasting 1.12.


Summer ends on Labor Day. No one goes by the astronomical calendar when they talk about “seasons”. Don’t you dare make me agree with Eloraell again :sunglasses:

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