Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

Maybe Classic Summer was referencing the beta test

Enough of this meteorological or astronomical calendar crap, clearly the “end of summer” depends on when your school starts up again

They have all data for every patch and change, issue is making it work with new software and hardware

If I don’t go to school, does that mean I just don’t get to have summer anymore?


I’m afraid so. I’m sorry for your loss.

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LOL No they don’t.

Uhh If you are new here you will quickly learn that this cat is the first to post on SO MANY topics that are created that its almost a conspiracy. I wish there was a way to ignore certain posters, but alas I’m not that smart or there isn’t a way

Will you also be using a 2004-2005 era computer? I ask because some of you all seem hell bent on experiencing the game as it was in the first year (and change) of its existence. If you really want to do that, you should dumb down your computer to pre-2006 levels. Otherwise your insistence of having the game be exactly like it was in vanilla would be ruined by your newer, faster machine.


It’s crazy how accurate this is

Remember everyone, this is the same guy that claimed in another thread that he cleared Naxx during vanilla as a paladin tank with NO warrior tanks whatsoever.

You can take any delusional posts with a grain of salt LOL.

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I’m confused. What does the OP want?


 :rofl: Might want to check the post count. 99% in this forum.

Crbg was pre-tbc part 1.


CRBG was “BLIZZARD! Our PVP queues are dead because the server’s factions are imbalanced! DOOO SOMETHING !!!11!!!11”

Cross Realm Battlegrounds were the first cross realm technology, designed to alleviate the massive queues on any given server’s higher faction. It had nothing to do with the coming expansion.

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You are wrong.

Vanilla 90% was not crbg, but competition over limited resource, reputation mattered.

So you are way off.

Strawman alert!

Firstly, I never said that Vanilla was 90% CRBG. I said that CRBG was introduced because of imbalanced factions on any given server.

Secondly, CRBG’s existed for fully 25% of the Vanilla experience, August 2006 to December 2006.

Thirdly, I would be totally Ok with Blizzard not introducing CRBG’s until CP6, to line up with the original timeline.

Fourthly, your answer actually makes no sense and I’m only guessing at what you mean, but my answer was not wrong and the garbled answer doesn’t change that.

I would wager 1.12 was a done deal in November of 2017 when they announced it.

Not because it’s the most ideal setup, but because it’s what the private server community expected and so that was the version they selected to appeal to the most die hard target audience.

We cannot ignore the private servers no matter how bad they may be in some ways as the impetus for this project. I am 100% certain that without the private server community there would be no Classic WoW no matter how damn good this game actually is.

This is absolutely fine example of the squeaky wheel get’s the grease.

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Aside from the fact that they used the 1.12 client, most Private Server players expected progressive itemization and systems. It’s what most of them did during their cycles. They’re the ones most loudly decrying the choice to use 1.12 systems throughout the progression.

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Better yet give us TBC.

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