Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

As Protection Paladin with no warrior tanks whatsoever is what you said. Shall I link it or would you rather hope everyone finally forgets and quits laughing?

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The devs on all the pservers literally said that it was the reason.

Try again.

Okay? I still don’t see a reason why Classic should be using the easiest version of the game, rather than a version that better represents the Vanilla experience.

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Citation needed.

“The devs on all the pservers”, lol.


I did say that. That’s true.

But i never said i cleared it.

Try again.

For people like you we can’t have nice things

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There you have it folks. This guy, trolling yet another vanilla thread who stated he played vanilla wow as a protection paladin and his guild progressed all the way to Kel with no warrior tanks whatsoever.

That is who is offering such wonky opinions about vanilla wow.

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Not true with that claim, they had their own data and only asked them in to see how they did it. Even Nano said they asked how Nost team did Ony’s Deep breath and then confirmed it was wrong by them. They had backups of the original 1.12 data that they found on some system in storage.

It was explained in one of these points. I can’t remember which one. Currently at work and don’t have the time to look through.

How is that a troll kid.

I said i got to kel but never cleared.

Ive not changed that since day 1.

So tell me how is that trolling.

The only troll has ever been you.

Using this as a means to determine is a bit off mainly because these things are allotted very little based upon the season they are promoted in. School fall semester lines up with the number of calendar days in a school year. Like for example our fall semester starts on the 21st of Aug kids go back to school. Fall semester is based upon because the majority of the schedule falls in the fall season not because that when fall starts.

Stores have their fall sales after labor day because for many areas after labor day school is back in and the season ahead is again fall but retail places do not put their stuff the day off, it is always done in advance. No different than many places start placing out xmas stuff right after Halloween.

Tv station again yes in anticipation for their fall line up but if you ever look most of these shows don’t even start till late sept, hell some don’t even beginning airing till 1st week of oct. Of course they aren’t gonna promote their upcoming summer line up as well that lineup is currently in rotation matter a fact lot promote their summer line up as early as may but summer is not in may.

Sports too little to do with determining season. Football is the first sport to come out start the new school year this for many reasons, one being so it doesn’t overlap with basketball and sept for most areas the weather is cooler and drier.

Every version of vanilla was easy. They are using the version that was most polished.

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LOL, sticking to a lie can never make it become true son. :wink:

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Says the person that literally hasn’t even played vanilla. If we go by that logic. You literally have nothing on your account.

You realize that when you tweak difficulty, it makes a difference, right?

If player damage gets increased by X%, or player health gets increased by X%, then a lower percentage of groups will wipe.

Conversely, if difficulty is increased, a higher percentage of groups will wipe. It doesn’t mean that ALL groups will wipe, but some will.

I know this is hard for your brain to comprehend but this is why we’re having this discussion.


Everyone is still waiting on you to post on your paladin who got to Kel in vanilla with no warrior tanks at all. :laughing:

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We really aren’t, Blizzard started ruining WOW as early as AQ40.

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According to some, Blizzard started ruining WoW sometime around 1999 when they started working on it.


The only thing that’s a deal breaker for me is crbgs. I don’t want that abomination.

Rest is ok.

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I’m not happy with CRBGs either but I’ll live with it. I figured they would CRBG once they confirmed 1.12 AV

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