Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

Why are you using meteorological seasons when its a known fact that astronomical is a better way to determine them.

Meteorological is based on people deciding the same day every year should indicate a season. Which we know is not how seasons work.

Astronomical is a better way to work out seasons as its based on the earths orbit around the sun. Not some made up notion by people.

Autumn starts sept 23.


Nobody made it up that June-August are consistently the hottest months of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Yes, there are exceptions, but those are exactly that: exceptions.

What is factual about the astronomical seasons being better, other than being able to point at a date on a calendar?

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Youā€™re a talkerā€¦Talkers make me thirsty. (I love the Hound btw, my favorite character after Ned Stark and Tyrion)

ā€œknown factā€? Isnā€™t that called an ā€œopinionā€?

Since the actual seasons almost never line up with the Astronomical dates, which are based on position of the sun, yet hot days persist long after and cold snaps appear in the middle (e.g. its not yet Astronomical summer but we had a 105F day in California followed by a 75F day), isnā€™t it easier to simply delineate months by season instead of changing every year?


Did you also see the Leeroy Jenkins reference I threw in there? :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is true. But it was decided/made up that seasonā€™s should start or end on the first of a month. Which we know isnā€™t so cut and dry. Since the earth orbits the sun as well as itā€™s precession doesnā€™t allow for it to be as such.

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Oh of course I saw that. and I love old memes (I mean my mainā€™s name is BASED off of what I would call the ORIGINAL meme) Incidentally my warrior Alt that I had back in Vanilla and TBC and Wrath was a warrior named Leroyjinkins

Oh snap! I didnā€™t even catch that at first!

Alyorbase = All your base are belong to us, right?

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Yup. The AL being representative of the state Iā€™m from lol.

I donā€™t understand what the issue is. Whichever calander we go by, August 27 is summer. Blizzard said Classic was coming out in the summer. Mission accomplished.


Astronomical seasons are based solely on the earths position it itā€™s orbit. Nothing else.

Seasons are determined by the two solstices and two equinoxes.

Using the actual earth and suns positions relative to each other in itā€™s orbit is a much better way to determine season.


Did people clear Naxx before 1.12? I started a week before 1.12 and donā€™t remember.

I think we should get Naxx clear date Vanilla personally.

Sweet home?

1.12 was released on August 22, 2006 while Kelā€™Thuzad was first killed on September 7, 2006.

ā€œIt still gets hot after the autumnal equinox occurs in September, so saying that fall begins on September 23rd makes no sense. Fall begins on August 31. Ignore the fact that it still gets hot after August 31, though.ā€


Thatā€™s how I rememberd it, people talking about KT being down, but I was noob then, so could have misunderstood.

I guess weā€™re getting a reasonable version then. Though Iā€™d like to have seen some of the earlier mechanics and npcā€™s. Especially with Hunter pets. The idea of hunting down specific pet just to min/max the most sounded fun. We min/max everything else right?

The one and onlyā€¦(God help us if thereā€™s another state like us)

Naxx was released in 1.11, and in Classic, patch 1.11 and 1.12 are Content Patch 6 together.

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Well at least itā€™s not Kentucky. lol

(Iā€™m from PA, myself)

Well about the only things we are famous for are as follows: Racism (and shooting MLK), College football (weā€™re really good at that lol), a Lynyrd Skynyrd song, and a country band named for usā€¦Think that pretty much runs the gambit.

Edit: Oh and speaking of songsā€¦apparently Black Betty is from here LOL

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