Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

Because thats where Blizzard is based and because it is the one that makes sense considering it makes no sense to use weeks or months as a basis since they are not based on anything.

We just have a trill trying to cause drama claiming that we will only have 3 days of summer left when Classic is released even though there will be almost a month of summer left.

She even all but admitted that she was trying to cause controversy with her claim.

It begins on the autumnal equinox.

Since seasons are based on climate which is dictated by the earths position relative to the sun.

Yea, but I can only play 3 hrs a day, so that’s only 69hrs over 23 days so, you know, it’s like – 3 days!

Roll Tide! Sorry…the Alabama in me came out here.

Also speaking of Alabama…summer ends here pretty much in October (depending on when we start actually getting some cool weather anyway). So the release date is like a month and a half of Summer for me LOL.


In Florida summer is January 15th through December 10th. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Fact! I was in a friend’s wedding several years ago around the Plant City/Orlando area. I was a groomsman and they did a Victorian style wedding. So I was wearing literally a wool tuxedo with a top hat and cane. It was an outside wedding, but it was in December so I thought “maybe it’ll be ok” oh HELL NAW! I felt like I was wearing a FURNACE.


In Queensland, Winter is in mid August…

On a Tuesday…


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So…if no one else is gonna say it I will…“Winter is Coming”

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Oh Alyorbase

“Summer” as a concept for me is dictated by when I start and stop sweating profusely in my suit every day of the working week :\

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Where I live winter is basically October through May often.

The other season is road construction, not summer.


The North remembers.

A Lannister always pays his/her debts.

What is dead may never die.

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Technically fall starts sept 23. So it’s actually 27 days of summer from release.

Technically speaking.

… technically.

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that’s what I do…I drink…and I derail threads apparently :sunglasses:

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Maybe so but at least we have chicken.

I’m going to eat every f**king chicken in this room.

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Nobody goes on Summer vacation in September. Nobody does Spring cleaning in June. Nobody.

There is a reason it’s Aug. 27. Because that is about as far back as they could push it without going back on their word, as it was understood by non-astronomers. If they had said Sept. 3, the internet would have had a coronary.

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The common usage of most people lines up with the seasons in a meteorological sense, i.e. summer being June-August. Ask any person walking down the street what they’re doing this summer and I guarantee they won’t tell you a thing about what’s happening in the middle of September.