Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

I mean day one of Vanilla in 2004


I must be misunderstanding something here then. I’m sorry.

LOL, me too.

3 days! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Way too much effort for Blizzard to try to recreate all 28 or so patches that were present during Vanilla. None of the private servers did that either.

Also the game was VERY primitive and unbalanced in the earliest patches. Much worse than 1.12 overall (the only exception being 1.6 AV which was way more fun than 1.12 AV).

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Oh stop.

Summer ends when summer wants to end. Humans have no say in the matter.

Hell, last year summer didn’t end until October and then we barely got fall for Halloween.

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You would think people would realize this. Blizzard is not going to go back to the drawing board because some people want a different version of classic.


Tbh I think it would be better for them to set up specific servers that goes through that kind of cycle and resets the server a year after hitting the point where things would be in 1.12. Then people can continue to compete and shoot for #1 each cycle or work to complete things at an earlier difficulty than they did last cycle.

People who are only interested in that feeling of progression and competition are not going to want to play once it’s gone. Why not set up separate servers specifically for those people. Then Blizzard can retain those people as well as the people who will happily play 1.12 till the end of time (but who might be turned off at the earlier cycle and not come back later.) Only people who will enjoy 1.12 will find Classic appealing in the long term, why withhold that experience from them at the start to make it difficult for them to decide if they like the classic 1.12 experience? It’s what they’ll be playing in the end.

You’d also think people would take the hint that Classic is meant to be a retro-gamer museum piece rather than a fully-fledged live service, but they don’t seem to get that either.


How does August 27th to September 23rd equate to 3 days?

Or, do you think that you somehow have the post to change the calendar?

I notice that you also didn’t provide a source for your other less than honest claim of “July”.

I think these threads would have more weight if people would say exactly what about 1.12 made the game “easy mode.” Like, were there flat zone nerfs? Do patch note records exist, can people post the relevant ones?

Reverting specific nerfs or buffs would make more sense than recreating multiple different patches wholesale (which just sounds like a programming mess).

Like I remember reading some blue post about how they’re going to limit debuff slots on bosses during MC, because bosses couldn’t have many debuffs/dots on them at a time until later on and players pointed out that having the higher number right away would effectively be a nerf to the content. If the devs are receptive over something like that, seems like a good chance they’d address it if people pointed out other huge nerfs in 1.12.

Instead you’re throwing out seemingly random numbers like “MC should have a 30% nerf to healing and damage.” Why, where did you get that from…?


Meteorological Seasons

Northern Hemisphere

Spring: 1 March to 31 May
Summer: 1 June to 31 August
Autumn: 1 September to 30 November
Winter: 1 December to 28 February

Southern Hemisphere

Spring: 1 September to 30 November
Summer: 1 December to 28 February
Autumn: 1 March to 31 May
Winter: 1 June to 31 August

You’re just going off Astronomical seasons.

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Uh. Not completely.

I am one of their targets. . and I am NOT into private servers.

This is a win-win for everyone.

On a side note, I do think some, PLEASE READ SOME, private server people are making a stink about little things to set up a straw man so they can storm out at some point. Because some of them it’s not about the game or gameplay but they want it for free and feel they deserve it for free. Just a hunch.


Astronomical seasons are what is used on the vast majority of calendars, are they not?

That still leaves almost a month of summer after Classic releases.

Still waiting for that source to back up your other dishonest claim of “July”, BTW.


As I noted earlier, that “July” thing might be extrapolated from the pre-BlizzCon leak last year that said Classic would see an early to mid summer release. The window the leak stated though ended with June.

We’re in June. And release was announced for August. Clearly that leak was horse doody even though it was right about the BlizzCon demo. lol

Which would make that poster’s claim, less than honest, would it not?

Not necessarily. Elora may just be misremembering it. Or maybe I am. Maybe they DID say July.

I don’t know, I know it began with J but I’m not going to look for it and find out because it doesn’t matter now. Release is August 26/27.

Even if the “leak” had said “July”, unless the “leak” was actually from Blizzard and not “Johnny down the street”, espousing that information as fact without substantiting it is, at best, less than honest.

Oh, I thought you were referring to Elora.

Then yes, it was very much dishonest.

What you see is what you are going to get.
They’ve been working on this since 2016.

They will gate the phases as long as they can so they can get that $15/month