Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

This is what we do on nonsense whiny threads. Divert the topic into something inane like “What is summer”.


Well you say that but farmers need the seasons scheduled because they need to know when to plant what crops lol.

They don’t even have the pre-1.12 data to give us even if they wanted to, so…

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Yeah but it doesn’t change the fact that the seasons will still do whatever the hell they want.


If September is mostly “summer” why does Summer Break end in August?

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Then they need to do the best they can with what they have, NOT just give up on it entirely.

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You do realize that Blizzard had almost like ZERO data on vanilla right? They had to get help from Nost for the coding, textures, etc.

Ask yourself why the multi billion dollar marketing industry also says summer ends on Labor Day. Their commercials and ALL marketing moves to Fall content after Labor Day.

No. They do need to give up entirely.

I’m fine with the phased content rollout. But if you think Blizzard can be trusted to remake things from Vanilla from scratch and make it somehow fit, you’ve got another thing coming.

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Just revert everything on the patch notes that were nerfs to content and give a global nerf to offset better classes. Both the reversions and nerfs will be progressive, so it will gradually be lessened and then removed once Naxx hits.

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It also causes a bunch of issues because of how the balance of 1.12 works with classes. It’s not perfect, and it’s not the next best thing.

Classic WoW was never going to be all that difficult because Vanilla WoW was honestly not all that difficult. Not even in 1.1 before the nerfs and buffs.

At some point, people are going to need to come to terms with the fact that it was always impossible to recapture your personal experience. It’s not 2004, and we can’t unlearn the game.


Nah. That’s what private servers do.

I don’t want a private server experience from Blizzard. Give me the real data or give me nothing.


Private servers being popular are the ONLY reason we are getting Classic. Give those people what they want for a successful Classic.


I’m sure you have a source to substantiate your claim of July.

As for your other claim, there will be almost a month of summer left when Classic releases.

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Private servers were only popular because they were the only Classic available. I can guarantee the folks that wanted Classic will be more than happy to play an accurate Blizzard version over an inaccurate, guesstimated pserver version.

If not, well… then they never wanted a true Classic.


A true Classic would mean using the actual patches instead of 1.12 with gated content. Private servers at least did what they could to emulate earlier patches with things like item changes to previous versions.


You can’t base your comments off this being a fact, because it’s not.

To her credit, Blizzard disagrees with you.

But then, it also happens to be the only complete version of Vanilla they have.

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Then I’m confused.

1.12 is not the version they started with.

I’m clearly misunderstanding.

1.12 is the version they started with.

It’s what Patch 1.13 is entirely based on.