Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

It doesn’t affect you at all is what you are saying… you’re just crying because you don’t want the illusion to be dispelled by people who you don’t know having things you don’t have. I get it. I have a 3 year old nephew that sort of behaves the same way when he sees his brother get an icecream and he doesn’t get one… same sort of whining and complaining. So you have that going for you.

Meh… no interest in giving these types of silly complaints air… just imagine all the things in life you are disappointed by (your job, your significant other, your dog, you car, your education…) and then write them down… those are the concessions you’ve made in life… now imagine if they were all related to wow… there’s your list.

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We are getting Vanilla and that is all. Keep in mind that difficulty with content is dependent on experience. We aren’t the greenhorns we were back then. We are seasoned vets that know what to do and where to go. We are also armed with power of Google and Youtube to assist in anything we may require. The game is going to be easier than you remember because of experience and resources.

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I don’t think you are getting the message. The point of raids is to challenge a group of players. MC and Ony won’t come close to challenging the average guild. Obviously the top guilds will steamroll everything, but it should still be at least somewhat challenging for averafe guilds. I’m not a top hardcore raider, but just average and I don’t want to steamroll until AQ40. This isn’t meant to be like LFR where the purpose is to give a tour of the content and maybe mediocre loot, but to challenge groups to work together to overcome the obstacles.

Lol. I bet you love retreating to that comment whenever someone posts on a 120 toon instead of addressing their points. I got suckered in with the 6 month mount deal. Look at my toon 370 ilvl, haven’t played in over several months precisely because it became too convenient.

(This user’s public profile is hidden and equivalent of a shadow alt)

I miss cogshanks where exposing people like you was as simple as having an app. I wouldn’t be surprised if you still play.

Have the last word. Done reading and replying.


Changes or no changes. One or the other. You can’t have both.

Remember when you rerolled on a PvE server because you couldn’t handle being ganked?

I guess World PvP was just too INCONVENIENT for you.


Wow was never about the challenge. It was designed, ground up, as a casual friendly game.


Which is why you would straight up not be able to get that judgement or bloodfang armo- No, that you wouldn’t even be able to see end game content unless you had 39 dedicated members with you. I was a no life hardcore player and I didn’t get to clear Naxx until TBC.

It was only casual in the sense the you could be a noob and still play. By that logic, Dark Souls is casual because you’ve got unlimited continues… get real…


uuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhhh my brain is turning to mush from this post.

go away. we are GETTING CLASSIC WOW. HOW IS IT that so many people can find ways to cry about it?

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With word buffs and modern min/maxing, top guilds will be clearing Naxx in just over an hour. Sorry, but 15 years of knowledge goes a long way.

Because most players Vanilla experience included constant engagement and a real threat of danger or fear of wiping, whether it be questing, dungeons, or raiding.

However, 15 years of knowledge goes a long way and this won’t be the case if all the content is released under Blizzlike 1.12.

Yeah, if someone didn’t start the 12 hour cd on on a world buff 3 hours before their raid. Do you think PuG #2131 will skip popping a world buff before they raid if they can? Stacking world buffs isn’t going to be a thing like it is on private servers because they have CDs in classic.

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Can you please describe how those CD were working please ?

All the Dire Maul buffs do not have CD’s. One raid can accumulate buffs to buff their entire damage/health pool up to about 30%.

Is it room? I thought it was tavern. I’m watching the series again now. I love that scene. I know winter begins when the white raven comes.

If the private server crowd was their target audience they wouldn’t be doing it.

Private servers are niche, just as niche if not more than mmo’s were before WoW launched.

They could launch with 2 realms for each major region and do just fine holding the private server crowd. They are aiming for a much larger audience than the pserver crowd and shouldn’t base any of their decision based on the pserver audience alone.

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It was casual in the sense that it was not punishing at all, even in the slightest. You could solo play your way to max level. The time investment for WoW was a joke compared to other mmo’s of the time.

Most people not being able to clear the top content doesn’t mean it isn’t a casual friendly game.

I find the opposite true.

Pservers bother me and have the whole time I’ve played them.

Mob density is higher, by a bit. Drop rates are off as well, things drop more (point to the crappy grey armor in classic dropping more but that doesn’t sell like the other drops that pservers have inflated), rep gains… man rep gains are a joke on pservers. Know what wasn’t possible in vanilla? Another races mount at 40. Know what’s possible on every pserver for just about every race? Any mount you want at 40.

This isn’t touching mechanical issues, boss rates being off, glancing blows, abilities not functioning quite like they did (stealth anyone?), hunter pets were a joke on Nost.

Nost code going open source is probably the best thing to happen to pservers in the history of pservers.

I just don’t get how you can play a pserver and say: yeah that’s pretty accurate. To me they aren’t/weren’t. I also never thought they were easy (comparatively) but rather felt mobs hit a bit harder than they should from my time tanking on pservers. Guess everyone really remembers things differently.

Some Pre-TBC stuff was in 1.12 as well.

Cross Realm BG’s were added right in for pre TBC.
While other things were delayed post TBC such as shaman and warlock talent tree revamp.

So there’s that.

I don’t believe cross realm BG’s were a BC change only. something was asked for by the population of vanilla to combat the queue times most people were experiencing and hating. CRBG were the answer.

The only confirmed BC change that was in 1.12.1… was mount changes. which we aren’t getting. Which is also how we know it was a TBC change.