Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

Kinda like 1.12 is still technically Vanilla amirite?

Gotta say playing on a private server they were definitely able to recapture a lot of those experiences very well. I guess when you actually try, and not use “the most polished version of Vanilla WoW” as your wall-of-nope shield it’s possible.

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Honestly 2.0.1 would be awesome. That would be way more fun in Vanilla.

Private servers are all based off 1.12, the version that people are hating on so much.


No they won’t they’ll just blame the player base with “you think you did, but you didn’t”. See we released our version of classic wow and nobody wanted to play it.

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I had a feeling this was going to happen. When Classic inevitably fails to reach a “retail killing sub count”, the excuses will poor in.


Based off of the 1.12 client with no CRBGs, layering, or 1.12 AV.


You think it did, but it didn’t :rofl:

you realize many of the early patch were just actually adding some quest in the plagueland/silithius / searing gorge / winterspring ( and later silithius), adding the 225 -> 300 to tradeskill, adding mauradon…

not balance / difficulty patch

and they also use other inauthentic things that make the game easier like dynamic respawns that are utterly broken and abusable.

Except thats going to push the game back even further and potentially introduce a heap more bugs.

No thanks, you can keep your purist ideals to PS where the belong.

The point of vanilla is the experience and 1.12 MC and Ony as the latest available raid tier fail horribly in getting that experience. Vanilla may have never been hard, but only the dedicated got to clear current content. Now just about any guild that can get 40 level 60s or close to 40 on at the same time can farm all the content available at launch without any problems.

And that affects you personally how? Seriously, rather than expend the energy hating what is happening, and the concessions the dev team is making, just don’t play it and wait for them to either fix whatever it is you think is broken, or go back to the virus riddled servers and call everyone who doesn’t have your rigid understanding “classic” a bunch of noobs and be done with it.

The level of vitriol aimed at blizzard no matter what they do would be pretty laughable if it wasn’t so delusional.


I blasted pservers for being too easy and inaccurate too. They WERE inaccurate. They were just over-tuned - at least for dungeons anyway. laughs at self

It affects me, because even though I don’t plan on raiding or pvp’ing ever again (thus I have no agenda), I want to know I’m playing as close to the authentic overall Vanilla experience as possible. It’s that simple. Seeing everyone decked out in MC and BWL epics isn’t exactly Vanilla - even late Vanilla. Epics, were, epic. 1.12 is well on its way to what we have today. It’s a trend that all later xpacs followed.

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Meteorologically speaking, seasons don’t change on those dates. Here, for example, summer starts when you have a daily average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius(nights are still kinda cold here early on up north).

Not necessarily June 23rd or whatever.

Everyone was going to steam roll MC / Ony anyway.

There’s a difference between a steam roll and an instance being easy but still taking 3 hours. Time has a snowball affect on all things - from BiS, to Guild dynamics, to game culture.

Please give us all a list of these “concessions” of which you speak.

I don’t think everyone will be, because first they have to hit 60, and then they have to form a 40-person guild.

In vanilla, that took us a year and a half. Granted, this has absolutely nothing to do with hardcore raiders, but those people were always going to be instantly farming MC anyway.

I think more laid back people will be more ready for the politics of forming a 40-person guild than we were in vanilla, so it won’t take 18 months, but it’ll still take time.

Edited: And I am pretty sure nobody was clearing MC in “1 hour” even after patch 1.12. At least nobody that wasn’t using gear from instances past MC, and I doubt even those. MC is 10 bosses. That’s a boss every 6 minutes, plus all the trash. I guess 1-2 bosses were skippable but still.