Give us TBC!

Just don’t botch the launch this time please (t4+t5)


I would be all for tbc if and only if they add RDF and dual spec. TbC with rdf would be amazing


I’ve never been happier that blizzard dosen’t read these forums. Leave older versions alone. No changes. Emulate each era as it was.

Full stop.


This would make TBC dead on arrival. Absolutely awful idea.


RDF and TBC heroics would be clown fiesta.

blood furnace… orc pens…


They dont understand that. Leave them as they were. Like not having rdf in for wotlk. They have no clue what majority of players want. I said i wouldnt play cata because they screwed up wotlk and i said they would continue to do something stupid in cata and they did exactly that. No lfr in cata. Lol. They are so lost. Just leave the expansions AS THEY WERE. Its that simple.

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No they wouldnt. Maybe for you. Im sure the other playera could carry you.

Its already being done on pservers. It is awesome and proving it can be done.

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No it wouldnt. It would be amazing.

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what strat would you use?

Did you struggle to find herioc groups in tbc:c?

The only way I’d replay vanilla and BC again is if they had rdf and dual spec. The were ok for nostalgia once but with out rdf and dual spec not good enough to replay again.

what if they add a system where you can change specs anywhere, but every time you do, a respec cost is deducted from your gold?


For my healers I’d be respecing several times every day I played. I’d respec dps to quest, respec to heal a dungeon, respec after the dungeon to dps, respec to heal the next dungeon etc. At 50 gold a respec I’d need 200 to 300 gold every day just for respecs. It’s not fun to farm that much gold in vanilla. I’d be spending so much time farming for gold I’d barely have time to do anything else.

Yes to dual spec, mount collections, and that. Given how hard some heroics could be not sure I would want randoms. Maybe for normal dungeons.

To you and your retail buddies. To the audience than actually enjoys and got us vanilla and tbc? Hell no, RDF was one of the big things we wanted to move away from. You’ll be playing TBC solo if blizzard was dumb enough to put dungeon finder in TBC.

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“No changes” went out the window the first day of Classic Vanilla when Blizzard made all of their changes to prevent the bugs and alter mechanics that were changed with each update and maintenance.

Your nostalgia died when TBC and WOTLK were both changed in the exact same way that Vanilla was.

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Do you struggle to age your own wine? Why do you buy wine when you can just age your own grapes? Churn your own butter?

Oh wait.


If you don’t like it, don’t play it then.

Not sure what’s wrong with a clown fiesta. If you don’t want to be apart of that kind of heroic, don’t join them. Simple as that.

No one is forcing you to do heroics with RDF. If you’re whining because RDF would take away the people who would fill in your lack of a party, that’s your problem for not having anyone to play with.

In short, that’s your problem, not ours.



the gold consumed by respecs is still consumed, but you don’t have to actually respec.


An absolutely awful idea would be to assume ideas directly translate into facts and reality.