Give us TBC!

You realize LFR was a Dragon Soul introduction right? Blizzard hasn’t even dropped t11 yet, there is time to change that. If they gave you LFR now and retuned the content to put it in any earlier you’d moan they again weren’t being true to Cata. So which is it? You complain about a feature not here for another two tier? Or complain they are staying true to Cata and not introducing it any sooner?

BLizz Give us TBC ERA just like Vanilla ERA, You will have millions of dollars income from Fanatic Fans that will and love to Pay $15 a month plus in-game transactions in TBC ERA!!!

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Of course you don’t, but for me the game is much more fun with dual spec in the game. Especially so for some classes of healers and tanks. With dual spec we’d have more and better healers and tanks in dungeon groups. I didn’t heal with my druid until wrath added dual spec since it just wasn’t fun to quest as resto. And I won’t replay vanilla and BC again unless dual spec and rdf is added.

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and with my suggestion, you have all of that still.

while still serving the goldsink goal that respeccing is intended to serve.




It’s not a gold sink if the majority of people don’t use it. You can like the fact that many people won’t tank or heal because they don’t want to spend the gold to respec. That’s a subjective opinion. But you can’t claim that when people don’t respec because they don’t want to spend the gold that it’s a gold sink. That’s objectively incorrect.

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so to encourage them to play both specs, we must take the gold of one respec per day from EVRYONE ,regardless if they use it or not.

Then they’ll feel they’re getting value by using it.

I like your style!

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but posting nonsense is your style and I don’t like it.

I was corrupt-a-wishing.

the sad part is… the devs might be thinking along the same lines.
“how do we poison this?”

You think it’s sad, I think it would be a massive improvement. You see it as poison, I see it as the cure. It’s a subjective opinion and neither of us know what the majority think.

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TBC-era servers with enforced faction balance as they did in SoD, and possibly even a ban on GDKP like they did in SoD (probably a controversial take, though), would be absolutely amazing IMO.

Otherwise, I’d prefer it to remain as it was (i.e. no RDF and no dual specs).


Yes please - TBC!!


I do all of those things. Wrong tree.

You don’t have a farm? Tells me eveything I need to know about you. Enjoy collapse.

Here’s a novel thought. Since the topic of this group is about Cata discussion, how about you Era Andy’s take your whining over to the General Discussion group. Someone over there might actually care.

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Man. And while they are at it, make permanent wrath classic servers to.


Would love BC again. Idc if it had RDF or dual-spec since I mostly just do arena. I felt completely fine in TBC classic without either of those things.

But I am not against either of those things. Doesn’t really corrupt my experience.


More look wooosh.

The post is saying you clearly don’t understand the point of Group Finder the same way you clearly missed the point.

No I get it, you’re just wrong. Take the cope elsewhere.

tbc was mid

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The amount of you rotating alts is wild.