You don’t have to bring your two year old to raid with you. He can run some WQs or work through his campaign quests while you raid.
O yes let me keep running mythic 0s for low ilvl loot yeah that’s totally fine . How about no .
It’s fine as is. To “rethink it” would remove it in fact.
That already exists. Like literally, this is legit already how it works.
The only part I hate is that it already exists but you suggest it as a “change”.
You can legit already do this.
Except for the LFD thing (which is a big yikes as it comes with calls for nerfs), the things you ask for ALREADY EXIST.
That’s already a thing, just run keys while ignoring the timer, there you go, less loot, and you get the same reward from the great vault as someone who timed the same level of key.
Not true. We stop for breaks any time someone asks for one.
So, someone watching a movie at home on Saturday and refusing to let kids or spouse interrupt said movie…is an abnormal, non-casual activity?
Because that’s two hours of uninterrupted time on a weekend night with no in-home distractions.
When we raid, we will pause if someone gets a phone call they have to take or if they need to let their dog out to pee. You’re making an awful lot of assumptions without asking any questions, first.
Then do the raid on Normal?
A lazy layer slog fest of esports zZzzzzzZzzz
WoW shifted it’s target audience and isn’t an MMORPG anymore. I do not expect to see a return to RPG-style dungeons like BRD or whatever.
To point out the unreasonable discrepancy in power between raiders and non-raiders. All this nonsense about jumping into Mythic raids with 184 gear is a strawman that you guys keep parroting. I never once implied that anyone should do that.
I like most of these suggestions. I’d add that it’d be very nice if there were a way to earn the ability to start a dungeon at a given level without a key, with this status getting cleared each season just to cut down on the amount of otherwise-pointless key pushing runs, as well as to offer some protection for those weeks when you get handed worst key with worst affixes.
So are you saying people who only do normal raiding, are non raiders? You know… the difficulty that drops 200/207.
What about heroic? 213/220? Is that also for non raiders?
Hell… what about the step no one likes to talk about, LFR, 187/194?
Don’t like it, don’t do it.
How about no ? I don’t like rush timers it’s dumb . Didn’t mind it in d3 because it was fine in that game but it doesn’t fit in wow . Thank God I can pvp I prefer pvp anyway .
I don’t mean to cherry pick, nor sound really snobby - please call me out as appropriate if this comes off as such - but I can totally see some odd comps for some of the affixes: resto shaman, warrior tank, rogue, hunter and dps warrior in plaguefall without poison/disease removal, and none of them are kyrian.
Obviously, you’d get some odd combos, but I can’t imagine how frustrating those may be for DPS, having waited in a long queue for that.
I like the current MMO style of setting up our own groups, but I don’t mean to completely disagree with you here. More just spouting a hypothetical with randomly assigned group comp.
Now would WOULD be fun, is if you RNG’d the dungeon and affix combo, but you put together your team. You put a keystone level in the receptacle in Oribos and you get ported to a dungeon and you don’t know the affixes until you engage
No duh gee why didn’t I think of that
Yeah, we didn’t get Return to Karazhan or Operation: Mechagon in the last 2 expansions. Nope. No big dungeons at all.
So you like current Mythic+ as that is already how it works.
At this point Blizz should just remove normal/heroic dungeons and people can gear up through WQ and run M0/M+
Dungeons haven’t felt like dungeons for a while now. It’s sad.
Ah well, maybe next expac they can add more systems, Legendaries(Talent perks) and other wasted development time systems that all fail and suck, so that they aren’t spending more time on things that could be engaging, fun and keep people interested in logging on for longer than doing chores and peacing out.
Movies have pause buttons.
He’s also saying that PvPers are somehow raiders… or that M+ players are also raiders…
Since you know, you can get 233s and 226s from both of those too.
They are saying that all the dungeons now are designed for the annoying googogogo mentality is all we get now I believe