Normal raiding doesn’t have timers. Unless… you count enrage timers?
I think a lot of that would be fixed for most if class/spec balance was actually within 1% of one another and not wildly varying about 30-40% between each spec.
But I agree for each affix there’s certain class comps that would be a problem and I don’t disagree that would be a fun mix to play through. But again I still like the idea of queuing and then waiting for the dungeon finder to tell me we’re good to go.
That might actually be pretty interesting simply because it’d strongly pressure Blizz to make a much wider variety of spec-covenant combos actually work.
There are no rush timers in the raid. Wipe as much as you want.
So do casual raids.
WoW 2 at best for ever seeing deeper, more meaningful RPG gameplay. Nowadays every guild is on Discord and everyone is streaming and this and that, people are too crazy to enjoy a dungeon together, they need to know everything, they need to do it the fastest, a lot of “WoW players” out there are not actually comfortable playing the game.
I’m talking about mythic + if you can’t understand that . I’m not dumb ok raiding doesn’t have timers and I hate raiding so I won’t do it .
Big =/= RPG style. They could make a glorified hall so large it takes six hours to clear, that doesn’t make it immersive in anyway.
Hell, I even had mandatory smoke breaks in my raids during Nyalotha, thats what they get for giving raid leader to a smoker.
If you can’t grasp that then idk what to tell you
Most fun I had with WoW was leveling my Druid up and relearning exactly what was going on in each zone.
Endgame is like a crappy PvE only MOBA without a que system.
Ok so you like pvp, which is the easiest way to gear at the moment, whats your problem?
So basically, you want to get M+ gear without running M+?
Raiding and PvPing are great alternatives.
Not only that, raiding gives better gear than m+.
I feel some of you want to play with like minded players, but when comes the time of just forming a group together (there has to be at least 5 of you in this thread alone), you all balk at the idea.
Good thing that’s not what Karazhan is then.
Or Mechagon for that matter. Mechagon was literally a map you could go anywhere on.
If you can’t grasp that WoW gear progression has been Dungeons → Raids for the vast majority of the game then idk what to tell you. It’s still following that path with some alternate gear paths available now.
M+ is the best part of this game
Yeah, the average age in my guild is north of 25, and about a third of us are over 40. We’ve all got kids. Some of us have babies. Most of us have dogs or pets of some other kind. Almost all of us are married and only about half of us have spouses who play.
So…we typically schedule a 10-minute break at halftime, but we have people dip for this fight or that fight or in the middle of a fight, and nobody gets upset.
I mean. Because we’re casual raiders. We do it for fun because we like to raid together. We get our AotC every tier and we’re happy. We actually missed an AotC in BfA because we had some key folks who were sick. It was a bad time. Nobody was upset about the bloody raid. We play together for fun.
If raiding isn’t fun for a player, then they shouldn’t do it. If they don’t like raiding or M+ or PvP, however, and they still get really hung up on mythic raiding ilvl (which I’ve never achieved b/c I don’t raid mythic difficulty)…I just don’t get it.
Anyway, my kid is done with virtual school, and I have finished all my desk work for the day. Y’all have fun with this. Imma dip.
That depends if you define casual by how long/frequently someone plays or by the difficulty of content they play; someone can be a hardcore pet battler or a casual raider.
Similarly I don’t know that someone who tops out solo competitive-style stuff like Horrific Visions necessarily counts as casual either. Such a player isn’t on the same plane of existence as someone regularly running +15 keys or mythic raiding or anything but they’re not really casual either.