Give us our dungeons back

Ok, so why would you get full decked out in 184 loot, then jump straight into a mythic raid that is fighting the last 2 bosses of mythic? Thats where the 233 loot comes from.

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Does it? I guess we’ll see.

I would like to agree in part that not everything needs to be a timed challenge. They could do something like add a vendor that modifies your keystone - remove the timer challenge and add a 4th affix? That would be cool and offer up some variety in dungeon styles. Currently its all zerg-zerg-zerg. It can be draining.

That same vendor could maybe also allow you to switch one key to a key of a different dungeon.

There are things that can be done blizz

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Are you serious? How did you not notice that m0 was dropping higher ilvl than Uldir in BFA when Nyalotha came out.

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They’re really not. As iLvl go up, lower Mythic +'s become much less “hardcore”.

I mean, if mythic + players are doing mythic +'s for better gear, why don’t you do the PvP equivalent of Mythic +'s, Rated?

You get three pieces of loot to choose from + currency to buy. You can’t even lose rating until 1400+

Wowhead says otherwise. The 223 was a typo.

Ok? I got my info from the ingame dungeon journal.

It is. Historically, that’s been demonstrated by cutting back, getting backlash, ramping back up, and satisfying the player base.

Here, you can actually read all bout it in this blog they wrote at the time they brought “10N” back in the form of Flex raiding in patch 5.4 :

You can further read up about it on the Warlords 3 part series (part 2 and 3 are most relevant here) of blogs on raiding :

The more you know.

Obviously you missed a few years between WotLK and WoD.

I would definitely use this. Nothing sucks like getting a dud of a key that nobody wants to run. It’d give Blizz good stats on which keys need adjustment too.

Wowhead says that Heroic is not 213 and 220 ?

Citation needed.

What level of speed is appropriate and who decides? If you have a 4 boss dungeon, is it acceptable if it takes 20 or 40 or 60 minutes to complete?

The difficulty of M+ isn’t the affixes, it’s the timer in tandem with them

Removing the timer removes the point of M+. If you want high-tier PvE content without a timer, that’s literally what raids are for


normal, heroic and M0s are still there and represent exactly that.

M+ is a new system that doesn’T take anything away from the normal-heroic-M0s one.

‘’ but normal mode become irrelevant a week into the game!‘’

so did they before legion.


Their link even says 213 and 220, I’m not seeing this typo the shaman is mentioning. He can’t be saying his 223 was a typo, since he used it in multiple posts.

Nope, just didn’t see the need to uproot what was already working. M+ is garbage that’s all there is to it. I want to play wow not Diablo. That game already exists. Why blizzard keeps wanting to amalgamate the two makes no sense aside from pure laziness and lack of creativity.


What was working exactly ?

It’s also entirely optional.

Don’t like it, don’t do it.

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What makes an activity garbage? Not intending to be contrarian, but this helps understand how someone identifies what content is acceptable or not acceptable.

This is what grouping with friend and doing Normals and Heroics are all about. If you are doing Mythic + you should be past the “enjoying” part of the dungeon and seeing how fast you can clear the dungeon instead.

And no, it doesn’t. That’s why you go in prepared. If you died too much, you weren’t ready to run that high, or you didn’t prepare properly. Speed runners don’t just jump into a speed run and “hope for the best”. They plan ahead.

They aren’t gone. You’re just doing content higher than the level where people would normally just “enjoy the ride”, If you’re pushing content, you need to be prepared to PUSH THE CONTENT.

And every other xpac pack as well.

The hard timers tied to “success”, not downleveling your key, and loot drops is the problem. If you want to speed run for fun with your own personal timer, go for it.

But what is a speed run? How long should a dungeon take to complete before you feel it’s either a) a slog or b) speed run?

In other words, if folks are completing mythic 0s in 30 minutes, and they want more challenge, then a mythic 2 would yield it (base timers here):

It doesn’t intrinsically mean they have to continue timing the key to find a challenge, because if they can’t time the key, that means there is some measure of appropriate challenge.

Anecdotally, to me the group sets the win-requirement for the dungeon; whether that be to simply complete the key, or to time it, or to push it. This is where the MMO concept comes into play, where the group can determine how they want to proceed.

The old style dungeon had - largely - one win-requirement: to complete it. Secondary objectives would be targeting a certain boss, which is still possible now (ref. the threads about folks leaving when they don’t get their memory\legendary to drop :])

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