Give us Fresh Servers

I feel like this is the norm.

They’re looking to minimize work and keep all projects afloat with seasonal content.

Classic wow is so low on their priority list because it makes them less than other games.

As for Microsoft part, Mike Ybarra is the Microsoft guy. What we’re seeing is what Microsoft is approving of. There’s not going to be some magical moment where Microsoft decides to save WoW.

That really does not take long.

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Need to drop a new fresh every six months or less honesty


Hardcorpse servers are fresh.


no point dropping a fresh right now when classic+ will be announced blizzcon

Seasonal is coming Soon™
It’ll be so fresh.

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Give me seasonal, with no changes, and eventually merge the servers into one at the end of its life span.

awesome because the devs said the other day in the Community Council roundtable that the next season will not be SOM2
you get your wish!

I think they meant it in the literal sense of its not called “Season of Mastery 2,” rather it’s called “Season of… something.” I have a feeling it will be sorta gimmicky, but, hey, I guess it will do.

No need. As a reminder:

Never cave to freshers.

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Despitebeing is a dishonest being.


We have classic wow on era I don’t understand the appeal of fresh - the inflation is only going to benefit you while you save up for mounts on Alts

Season of Abundance - random changes and the amount of coin humanoids drop is tripled

The mind-virus that is F R E S H plays out the same.

Season of Fresh - server progress and character level and currency resets to 1 every week.

These guys will be so fresh you’ll wonder if they ever stopped bathing to actually live life

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Season of Promise - experience is gained from your chosen profession and instead of coin humanoids drop IOUs

Crazy, didn’t know the forums was not a place we could voice opinions.

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Right which means that there will be a new season and it will be talked about. All that waiting for it requires is patience.

These threads aren’t going to stop even if you don’t like them (as you’ve said before) because it’s what people want. There’s a mute thread option at the bottom if you don’t want to see them.

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I’d be more interested in this then the current servers. I just walked my lvl 16 warrior into bellygrub purposely to die because for the 3rd time today i watched a node i was running to just disappear in front of my eyes!!! Gold buying will happen very soon as there are already sites selling gold for roughly $5/1g. Unreal…

Edit: This was on HC east server.

My thoughts on Blizz Con is they’ll do this.

  1. Announce more info on Retail content possibly a glimpse into the next expansion

  2. Wrath Classic will be turning into Cata Classic.

3 Classic Era will have a new season but as the one dev said in the video it won’t be a season of mastery.