Give us Dual spec so the game is fun

Today I learned that dual (two) roles is every role (three).

Does this happen right now in Shadowlands? The last time I played Modern WoW, this was NOT a thing. People played their specs and rarely swapped to “help” the guild.

Level 60 Shadowlands player.

Exactly, the people that are all on this “takes RP out of the game” camp, seem to have a very close-minded approach to the situation. How about you look at Dual SPec this way: it’s a roleplaying choice to find out your class trainer has acquired new knowledge of the masteries of your class, and for a hefty cost, can bestow you with the wisdom to carry 2 masteries at your disposal to choose between. So you, fearless warrior, must look at your hard-earned bank account and make a tough choice.


Dual spec is a nice QOL but this game desperately needs gold sinks if they wont fix the bot problems

they just need to fix the bot issue
however they are either incapable or unwilling
and im pretty sure they are just unwilling because bot sub money

if your so elite then do the work that the elites do, loser.

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What if they just capped respec costs at 5g? 10g? 20g? Duel spec was a neat addition, but they pretty quickly realized that most players used more than 2 different specs pretty often.

Duel spec would be SO nice to have in tbc .


I would pay 3 fiddy for dual spec! Come on Blizz get more moniez from us…

That isn’t the problem with taking roleplaying out of the game though. It’s not just that it removes the fantasy view of my character. Take a look at some of the other responses talking about how it takes role playing out of the game…

The main point of these arguments is that the addition of someone being able to fill multiple roles devalues players that fill those roles in the first place. Tanks and healers are valuable because they chose to play tanks and healers. That’s why people want them in their party or guild, and that’s why people are more aware of the tanks and healers in their community.

When most people can fill those roles and are filling those roles (because of dual spec), people that choose to play a tank or a healer are a lot less valuable. It’s more about how it actually changes the community, and not about how it changes the fantasy.

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For what it’s worth, and maybe no one cares all that much, but my experience is that I enjoy healing the most in group content but really don’t like being holy out and about in the world farming. It’s largely why I quit classic so early I think. The thought of respecing to go farm raid consumables or just explore the world turned me well off.

I’m a one-character type of player, so having a farming alt does not much appeal to me. I find I identify with my character not so much my specialization. And I like being able to fill in the gaps in groups, which is why I lean toward hybrids.

All of this is to say I would be greatly in favor of adding dual specs or lowering/removing the cost to respec entirely. Dual spec is nice since everything stays set up when you swap, though I’m sure there are addons that can manage this now.

Thanks for reading, and please take care, everyone.

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Yes this does happen in modern wow right now. Every single “competative” guild i’ve been in has always had the expectation that you can do multiple things. Fire mages do more dps, every mage in the guild goes fire tomorrow.

We are setting up 5 man mythic+ groups for gear, we don’t need a DPS you’re going heals tonight.

Its so crazy in retail that the expectation extends to not just being able to play multiple specs / have the gear for it, you need to have completely different toons just in case your main is not needed.

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yeah its called people saying we don’t want it in replies, and the 50 was a high ball considering you can log on alts

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the anti-QoLs come up with the most absurdly delusional ‘reasoning’ known. They have never once had any valid reason for crying over improvements to the game.

Except it is needed, what are you going to do when it gets added in Wrath Classic?

be perfectly fine, BECAUSE THATS WHEN IT WAS added.

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Says the troll, you anti-QoLs just love to fight against improvements

you want QOL you can go play retail. We don’t have another game we can go play, you go stay in the land you enjoy and we will try to be in the land we enjoy


anti-QoL’s are the same people who want the game to be as it was originally.

you currently want the game to be different than it was, my advice would be start your own server!

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That ship has already sailed, Activision has already changed it from its original state

Could get a forum vacation for advocating someone violate ToS, might want to eddit it to make your own game company.