Give us an option for world instances where Multi Boxers are not allowed!

I like this idea. This would actually encourage me to make a second account just so I can get access to that nearly empty MB-only server. As you say, great for farming rare anything!

This is like the twink argument. Multiboxers don’t want to be on their own server when boxing… why?

Raises hand

As a non pvping multiboxer I would love to be on my own private server

Based on your original post, yeah. It seems like you’re in the minority there though.

awww…thats sweet…learn to read…i dont box.

ah…so you ARE posting on an alt, then. Good to know.
Shouldnt have repeated this from the last time, lol

The game maker is your GOD within the game, guy…dont like it? ESO awaits…no boxing allowed.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
YOU are the one making the assertions pal…burden of proof that boxers cause a systemic problem and the majority want them gone is on YOU.

Idont need to prove SQUAT…boxing is PERMITTED, end of debate.
Bliz is on MY side…you want that changed…YOU must PROVE your case to them

delete multiboxing and mythic raid!!

The higher the population of a server, the harder it is for individuals to compete. What do you play to do about that after the .5% of multiboxers have been eliminated?

You’re name makes me think of that song

Ceeeeleeeebrate good times alright!

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Wow the salt in here lmao. Giving them their own world instance impacts no one. Every one wins. Multiboxers can farm 24/7 with out messing with peoples leveling experience. The only competition they would have is them selves. Most other games in this day and age give you the ability to switch zone instances. Blizz already has the tech. They know they can do it :slight_smile: From every ones response Multiboxers do not want their own zone cause they will have to compete with multiboxers lmao

Lmao…I see boxers DAILY all over the game. My game hasnt been affected by them at all.
This is a you problem, sorry to say.

and yet I can fart and make 100k a day.

turn warmode off.

take your nonsense to the classic forum where it belongs…this is retail discussion.

sorry…PROVE it…blizzard doesnt seem to agree.

It does. It would raise the cost of the game for every custom game type created, which hardly anybody would use.

We see demands for custom game types all the time.

If we’re using this as a basis for making changes I’d also like to suggest somehow preventing max levels from ganking me when I’m leveling my level 14 in westfall. That messes with my leveling experience.

You certainly have strong, favourable opinions of multiboxing.

Uh… no? My main is this character in Classic. I have zero faith in Blizzard based off my experience since release of the game. Why would I believe them when they claim it’s not about money when that’s the sole benefit multiboxing provides?

Blizzard is trying to nerf the gameplay styles of plenty of people in Shadowlands - but not multiboxing. Controlling players is only important when it can slow us down, but if it hurts their money they don’t want to.

It’d be just as easy for Blizzard to not allow it. That’s my point.

I say that multiboxers and the people for it are the minority. You say the people who don’t like it or are neutral towards it are the minority.

We are both making claims.

you can farm gold to pay for your accounts like probably most boxers do.
Simple enough.

no one cares. Boxing is allowed.

But you want to keep the bots, that actually do farm 24/7 on your server, while claiming that multiboxers never sleep.


I think I’ve had one whole wq that boxers messed with… All i did was go to the outside areas for the mobs. /shrug

This is Classic, genius.


Blizzard couldn’t care less unless it hurts their control over the game. Blizzard doesn’t like the AoE gameplay in M+, because it makes character progression faster and easier.

This is true, but I am worried about the third-party software required to do it. Are those programs free?