Give us an option for world instances where Multi Boxers are not allowed!

There is no reason you could not do this. They get to hog mats and mobs in there own world instance and fight each other. Temp ban them if they get caught in a world instance where its not allowed. They are happy, we are happy. The countless times I have had to play games with them just to get kills on quest mobs over the last few months is a ridiculous waist of time. I can not even fathom leveling a profession that requires gathering with the state of things. You wont ban them they are income. I get it, but give them their own zone!!! You know this would be easy as hell for you to do :slight_smile:


I was getting disappointed, I felt like it had been a while since the last multiboxer thread but Laffhleahtor has come to be my savior! You even have exactly 0 posts, couldn’t ask for more :heart:

I am in favor of this idea. Because there aren’t as many multiboxers as people like to imagine so that means most of the world will largely be exclusively my own. All the rares will be mine! I don’t MB gather so all of those nodes will be for someone else.

I would also like this to apply to solo players coming to the multiboxer shards :slight_smile:


Turn on War Mode. Get a group. Hunt them down like the dogs they are.

It’s so fun. That train of tauren druids in Nazjatar didn’t know what hit 'em.


This happens a lot in Classic. It’s immensely satisfying to fear bomb them (which throws their accounts into disarray) or outright AoE them down.

With the raw gold (/ vendored items / shuffle) being nerfed/transitioned to shadowlands. Its going to really tough to compete for any gold against the multi boxers sadly for anyone. (unless your selling runs- which again another grossly abused system)


another useless ‘I hate boxing’ threads

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Maybe if people are vocal enough, Blizzard will ban the, “degenerative gameplay” - to quote Ion.

no…you minority of box haters get your own server.

That’s… the request, actually. But multiboxers are the minority - those that have a neutral to negative opinion of them are not.


He said “minority of box haters” which I’d be willing to bet is smaller than the actual amount of people that multibox in which you’re correct is a minority :slight_smile:

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Nah, I imagine a lot of people don’t like multiboxer. For every one multiboxer, they interact with a lot of people in the world - and that’s usually not a good thing.

The people who like or love multiboxing are definitely the minority.

Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

You can think what you like. For everyone multiboxer they interact with dozens of other players who don’t like the, “degenerative gameplay” as it negatively impacts them.

The amount of threads we’ve had over the years from anti-multiboxers should be a good clue.

I certainly will think what I like, and what I think is neither one of us can prove our stance so discussing it is pointless :man_shrugging:

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Most of my experience since I’ve gotten back into multiboxing has been positive. One person asked me about it if I was multiboxing while on my 5 dk team and I responded saying yep and they replied sweet.
Some people think its neat or cool.
Most of the time people sort of do double take and stop and look then say nothing and move on.
When I’m on my team questing in world I’m respectful of other players letting them tag mobs first if I see their questing in the same area as me.


It’s not about proving it. It’s about what multiboxing brings to the game and what it takes away from it. It gives Blizzard more money, and an individual more benefits - but negatively impacts many more players.

It’s, “degenerative gameplay” - through and through.

You can’t prove that though and I can’t disprove it. You want to sit here and “ya huh” “nuh uh” for an hour?

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Multiboxers severely impact players in Classic negatively - and in live, it also negatively impacts players but it’s easier to avoid. Especially when they remove other forms of gold farming in Shadowlands.

Wouldn’t this also block Families who play together being on the same IP?

Sure there is. You don’t get a custom game. Nobody else does either.

Specifically in what way?

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