Give us an option for world instances where Multi Boxers are not allowed!

When I pay $15, I have the power of one character.

When I pay $45, I have the power of three characters.

I would be totally fine with multiboxing if they let you play with your alts on the same account for the same price.

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probably…though they might be able to block by device…but that again doesnt matter. I can get around an IP block pretty easily. anyone can.

Secondly, they must PROVE boxing causes their imagined problems. Bliz clearly doesnt think it does.

Everybody does have equal access to the game. Just because someone pays for more subs a month so they can Multibox doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t have equal access, it just means they are willing to spend more money.

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You just defined P2W.

They cant stop bots, lol…they wont be able to stop determined boxers.

right, and I don’t see that as a problem.

one person multiboxing three toons is the same as three people running around pvp’ing together.

actually, they’re weaker. take out the “boss” and the boxer is done.

the boxer DOES have a leg up farming wise. That’s a direct result of the community asking for and blizzard caving on making nodes multi tap. They could solve that (totally not a) problem by making nodes single tap again.

personally, as someone who values my time way too much to actually farm herbs, I appreciate the cheaper prices multiboxers bring to the herb market.

it literally doesn’t matter if you’re ok with it or not

they’ll never do this

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Now THAT would be a fun change lol. I wonder what people would say then :rofl:

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They don’t control anything. Everyone still has access. Nobody “abuses numbers”.

Every multiboxer had to level up and gear up every toon they are playing.

Botters are a huge problem in classic. You’re probably one of them, trying to turn the focus to multiboxing and away from botters.

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  • bad boxer stole muh nodez (it AINT yours)
  • Bad boxer wont let me gouge (tough…compete or get out of the market)
  • Bad boxer ganked me (turn warmode off)

did I miss any?

Clearly, why would it? I am just some rando on the WoW forums, as are you.

None of this matters if you don’t make it matter.

Except if Blizzard made it against the rules, you’d be breaking the rules.

I think this is an important distinction to make.
botting IS a problem. people who do it are breaking the rules and deserve to be perma banned.

some players bot
not all player bot

just like… some multiboxers bot
but not all multiboxers bot.

multiboxing is not botting


Correct, it’s P2W.

There are limited resources - and they can control them. And they do. Botters are a bigger problem, but they also utilize multiboxing.

That’s irrelevant.

Nice victim complex!

Bliz intentionlly limits resources and increased mats needed to craft…and these folks are actually naive enough to think the same blizzard is going to HELP them out now?
aint happening.
Bliz WANTS us competing for resources…boxers help insure that.

The faster you kill or gather stuff the faster it respawns.

She’s on a PvP server.

Oh, so you admit multiboxers do cause higher competition for resources - which also means they get an unfair advantage.

Just put all multiboxers on the same server.

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on ONE druid I farmed enough to buy THREE tokens in ONE week…and I aint that great a player.
if I can do it ANYONE can do it.
And theres three accounts paid for.

And the more accounts you run, the harder it is for individuals to compete.