Give us an option for world instances where Multi Boxers are not allowed!

Hm :thinking: Well Blizz could restrict people from logging into multiple accounts simultaneously under the same BNet which would only affect families that have all their accounts under one bnet which I’m not sure if that’s against the rules or not. If it IS against the rules then how it affects them doesn’t matter since they are breaking the rules anyways.

no…actually those of you whinging about boxers are the minority.
You all need your own server…99.999% of the rest of the player base is just fine

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I hope that I am not alone in this. I have no hatred for multiboxers whatsoever. They are just people enjoying this (awesome) game in a way that they are allowed to. I hate that Blizzard has not changed the ToS so it is not allowed; I feel that it puts players without the financial resources to multibox at a disadvantage and I don’t like that. I signed up for a subscription-based game, where everybody pays one amount once a month and gets equal access to the game.

I would be fine with NPC party members (or teammates) that you could summon for RP/dungeons/raids if everybody got access to them.

nah…what you IMAGINE isnt relevant. Bliz knows how many complaints they actually get about it and clearly it AINT enough to do anything about it.
Try again?

Tags, resources, controlling areas.

People who don’t have money to subscribe are at a disadvantage. People who don’t have computers are at a disadvantage. People who don’t have electricity are at a disadvantage. How you you plan for Blizzard to address these issues, given that $15 a month x 5 is actually not an expensive hobby, compared with many hobbies?

None of these make sense.

You want all tags and resources restricted to you so no one else can farm anything?

How does a multiboxer “control” areas?

I don’t see any of this happening. With multi-tag and multi-tap, everybody can tag the stuff I’m killing and get credit. Everybody has access to any node. The faster nodes are harvested the faster they respawn.

And like I said, I have no idea what you mean by “controlling an area”. Does the multiboxer set up a fence to keep them out?


just stop. YOU aint got SQUAT for evidence, pal…and we ALL know it.
BLIZ knows the stats…they know how many complaints they get…and CLEARLY it aint as much as YOUR sort wants to believe.

dude…ONE of you posted on EIGHT accounts in ONE thread last week…
you all aint fooling anyone.
BLIZ knows the actually numbers…NOT you.


keep whining, the most likely “fix” blizz implements is putting nodes back to single tap.

they’re not going to ban multiboxing after fifteen years of it being allowed because you’re salty.


There’s no real financial barrier to multiboxing. It doesn’t take a powerful computer, besides my videocard everything in my computer is from 2012 and I run 5 accounts just fine.

And subscriptions/expansions can be purchased with gold.

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I never claimed to have a solution for those issues. What are you talking about? I am talking about multiboxing vs singleboxing.

so farm the gold to pay for additional accounts.

and that’s exactly what we have now.


yeah…it IS about proving it. You dont get to demand action be taken against a group WITHOUT PROVING that group is actually the CAUSE of your imaginned problem in a SYSTEMIC manner…
Sorry but YOU getting ganked by bad boxer AINT enough lmao.

nonsense refuted by a blue like 12 years ago…

sorry pal, but its an accepted playstyle according to the game maker.
your ‘basket of deplorables’ tripe is as irrelevant as your minority opinion is

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75 does not equal 15.

we can certainly show evidence that it AINT bothering the masses as these jokers claim by the FACT that bliz updated this page a week ago that says boxing isnt a violation…ie its allowed.

Bliz banned bots. They ARE a problem. Clearly boxing…isnt.

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your subscription gives you the same access as every other subscription.

if you had two subscriptions, you’d have the same access as me. (no, I don’t multibox, but I do have two subscriptions)

if you had three, you’d have the same as multiboxer joe over there.

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Good for you. I’m sure you’re a shining paragon of virtuous multiboxing and you are selfless and only there to help other players.

Yeah I don’t believe Blizzard in the slightest. They’ve shown they aren’t honest with players over the years.

Yeah, that’s the thing. It’s only, “acceptable” because Blizzard says so. But the AoE gameplay of M+ to try and finish dungeons as fast as possible is, “degenerative gameplay” because Blizzard says so.

It doesn’t matter what the playerbase likes or wants. It only matters what Blizzard wants. If you think my opinion is the minority, you’re going to have to prove that.

nonsense assertion based on joke emotionalism…not one single factual statement made…sorry.

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Except for that fact they are just treated like multiple accounts. It’s not like people buy a “multibox” version of a WoW account lol.

Lmao, it absolutely negatively impacts players. Gold farmers use it to level multiple characters to bot on. They control limited resources, and can abuse their numbers to beat players trying to compete.

You don’t play Classic so you have no idea, that’s okay. But multiboxers are a huge negative on the servers.

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