Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

the implication was always they were from the void elves for me

vereesa appearing in the sole capacity of a windrunner sister just like she did on argus and just like she did in the 3 sisters comic doesnt mean she has the SC with her

We worked with the Silver Covenant in the Shadowlands pre-event, and Silver Covenant Mages give us a portal to Dalaran in the Stormwind portal room. Pro-Alliance, but part of Dalaran is what that says to me.

There is no way they would be from void elves. We see that the void elves have changed everything about themselves, from their appearance, to their weaponry and armor. That was clearly a regular Thalassian Ballista. Where it doesn’t match what the void elves use now. it would look different. It makes sense that the Silver Covenant though would have access to that sort of weaponry.

That’s still not evidence. That’s just more implications, just like there are implications they are on the Alliance.

For the last time:

There is an equal chance they are neutral as they are still on the Alliance.

It has not been stated in any official capacity either way. All they do is make implications for both. I assume even Blizzard hasn’t decided.

My support for this! We, helfers, urgently need an option to toggle off the activation of entropic embrace. I know there are many velfers who like it, and that’s fine. Just give us the option!

It’s always possible that the ballista were just spare armaments they had lying around somewhere from a previous war or something.

They stressed repeatedly in BfA that they were being stretched super thin, and would have to/possibly did start sending farmers to the frontlines instead of soldiers.

So it doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility that it could have just been basically that old, no longer used armaments were brought back into active service.


Prove it.

That’s what I’m saying. We can’t know where they came from.

Could be SC, could be old stock in Silvermoon, hell, could be stuff one of the sisters had stockpiled from the old days. We don’t know because it was just a few war machines plonked onto the battlefield with no crews, no dialogue about them, just there as a mystery where we don’t have any other puzzle pieces to lead us to a conclusion yet.


last i checked vereesa still lives in dalaran which is a neutral kingdom where alliance and horde live. according to you if vereesa appears in any capacity the SC are with her just invisible soooo… still neutral with the kirin tor and not ‘on the alliance’

Prove it? Look even their mounts are all voided out. Void striders are their racial mount. Plus during all of their incursions in BFA, we never see them use Thalassian weaponry. Everything they use has been newly manufactured. That is proof enough.

If you macro /cancelaura Entropic Embrace to your abilities, you can force it to shut itself off as you go through your rotation.

An example macro:

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cancelaura Entropic Embrace
/cast Arcane Shot


Now I have Othias from C&Rsenal in my head

“As we’ve seen time and time again, the 4th war was one of attrition, and many old weapons were brought back up to fill in the gaps…”


With all due respect, could you show me where Blizzard’s said Dalaran is a neutral kingdom? AFAIK, they just decided to allow horde in it, just like silvermoon allows alliance high elves on piligrimage

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Thank you, but I’m aware of that! However, it’s still a little nuisance which could be quickly fixed with a toggle. It’s QOL after all.

Since Legion, Dalaran has been lead by Khadgar, who explicitly stated that he has zero interest in the factions or their squabbles.

It’s even stated that he left Dalaran out of the Fourth War on purpose precisely for this reason.


Eh, I’m not actually arguing for any of the answers. More that we can’t know with the knowledge we have now where they came from.

If they were to go that route, they’d need a pop-up message warning you about the DPS/HPS loss before you toggle it.

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The city of Dalaran is neutral. Its inhabitants however CAN be faction aligned.

Sorry, but this doesn’t prove your point. A government plan is different from a State plan. The country may be led by different leaders over time. But there are things which can’t be changed, as they are official country policies

I wish he was included in 8.3 at least. He’s my favorite expansion guide next to lorewalker cho. I know some people didn’t like him but I think compared to people like magni and bolvar he was a lot more fun.

Of course not being involved in BFA or SL is probably a good thing for his character actually.


I am with there, buddy!

Blizzard needs to make high elves and void elves two separate races, giving high elves all high elf labeling, options and customizations and void elves all voidy labeling, options and customizations to make up for the idiocy they have exhibited thruout all this.

High Elves forever!

Wait, what?

Why punish void elf players for Blizzard’s stupidity?

That’s not fair.

That’s not even logical :face_with_monocle:.