Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

There’s just so many layers to that.

Like a person can be aligned with a one faction, but be a part of a group that is neutral without turning that group into part of a faction. Like I’d say that the SC has a good chance of respecting the neutrality of the Kirin Tor of which they are a part of, while at the same time pushing them in the hopes of having them officially join the alliance, with SC members possibly considering themselves individually part of the Alliance.


The city being neutral is what I was getting at, yes.

If Dalaran was specifically Alliance, I doubt they would listen to Khadgar’s plea for neutrality during the Fourth War, given how vicious it was.

A few of the council members are even Alliance leaning, yet they didn’t participate at all. Also, the Horde explicitly have a seat on the council.

If Dalaran was firmly pro-Alliance during the Fourth War, I’d have to assume they would be kicked off the council.


I’m sorry its been a long day. Are you agreeing or disareeing me?

I enjoyed Khadgar’s silly puns, and he was certainly more interesting than hearing “CHAMPION” every 5 minutes, but yeah giving him a break/us a break from him is probably for the best.

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Possibly agreeing while mentioning the complications that make this whole argument such a mess

KT- is neutral
SC- as part of KT is officially neutral, but pushes to try and get the whole group to take a side
SC members- May be members of the Alliance themselves without making the SC officially Alliance as opposed to Alliance friendly.


But they didn’t give us what we wanted.

We wanted High Elves.

They gave us Void Elves.

Not. The. Same.


oh, by the fact that the horde can live there if they so choose?

pic of a blood elf dalaran CITIZEN


and the fact that the leader of dalaran, said that the horde/alliance going to war again after legion broke his heart and dalaran will never pick a side again

only some ‘high elves’ are exiled not all. theres literally nothing that says they cant/dont live there or come and go as they please. if they can visit the most sacred and secure site on quelthalas why wouldnt that be true. you guys are the ones that created this fanfiction that ALL ‘high elves’ live in the alliance or some such nonsense even though they were living alongside blood elves the entire time. how else could some be exiled long after the renaming if that wasnt the case? would love to hear your fanfiction with no citations


It’s a necro post since it was from 2 years ago. Probably best not to give it any attention, I’m pretty sure it is against forum rules.

I mean, we can run around as little Allerias now. That’s pretty darn close.

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It’s not. So long as you add to the post and not just reuse it as spam. I’d say it’s been properly added too, with loads of discussion.

No it’s not. So long as void taints us, we’re not high elves. I don’t want to be a little Alleria. I want to be a fully fleshed out high elf.

Or you could have just bumped your own, much more recent thread on the subject.


Did you read what I wrote?

He’s not the dictator of Dalaran, he’s the leader of the council of six.

My ‘‘fanfiction with no citations’’ comes from the fact that it’s been stated high elves can visit the sunwell (horde territory). They did NOT say ‘‘non-alliance high elves’’. They said High elves. Know your lore.

So this is still going on?

It doesn’t matter which thread I bump. It all has the same effect.

I said close. Close =/= is.

In other words you can’t take a compromise, not even an amazing one.

That’s true, and yet, you still keep posting.

Honestly sounds like a fair trade off really. :man_shrugging:

But baaaaaaaaaaaaaari, you’re a voi–

/Drop Kick Bari though a pile of boxes, though a wall and off a cliff with an accompanying goofy yell.

Nope. I’m a high elf. …And now… he’s a low elf. :sunglasses:

Stadium Crowd:


Then why not bump an active one instead of necroing a tiny dead thread from 2 years ago?

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