Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

and alleria is a void elf. pick a lane, my dude.



yay. more human potential. Now that’s what this story needs more of.


Emphasis on was. She was a high elf, now she’s a void elf. That’s her whole plot.

My looks?

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I only consider her roots. Again, void elves were never good story-telling. It was just done to give us a high elf like race. No real thought went into it. It’s best to ignore that and void elves as a whole, and remember Alleria for what she was known for within the alliance.

Sylvanas, even during her conception in WC 3, was forsaken. There was very little of her as a high elf. her whole story was she was turned by arthas and had to cope. She led an army even to get revenge on him as a banshee.

this is called head canon. alleria and sylvanas are sisters and neither of them are high elves, anymore.


This isn’t head canon. I am calling it for what it is. Alleria had championed the high elves far longer than she does the void elves. But Sylvanas, she was created to be a champion of the forsaken. Alleria was not created to be a void elf. That is a new thing.

petition to just kill the entire windrunner family off.

won’t happen but I can wish for it.


I know this is a necro (seriously, TWO YEARS GUYS), but two things:

  1. No. Just no. We are void elves. Even if we have a high elf appearance, we are still void elves who underwent a transformation. You can RP as High Elf all you want, but we’re still void elves.
  2. For people like the OP saying that they should disable all racials that are helpful if void elves choose to rp as High Elves: Okay, then disable all racials for Blood Elves if they use Blue Eyes, because after all, they’re RPing as High Elves, right?

I do not see Maizou as a High Elf. I see her as a High Elf who joined the Void Elves after they were created, and underwent the process to become one. And just like Alleria, she can retain a normal appearance.


Replace Sylvanas’ spotlight with one for Mayla.

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Can the Bilgewater cannon be used to shoot people into the sun?

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She was created to be a High Elf obstacle for Arthas.

She was raised into a suped up generic Banshee unit after that.

She didn’t take on her current appearance as a Dark Ranger until The Frozen Throne expansion for Warcraft 3.


lets find out


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use it to shoot every high elf into the sun, imo.


Hi, I’m Tarrok, and I endorse these messages.

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How many times do the devs need to tell you that the high elves are extinct before you believe them?

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I think the high elf racial should be a button that appears on your screen that will automatically start a thread for high elves in GD.


They literally aren’t though? Lmao.

The Silver Covenant is a major army force for the Alliance.

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Can you provide a source from Blizzard that they were planning on making her a Dark Ranger since the planning phase of Warcraft III: Rein of Chaos?


They’ve been neutral for awhile now. You can argue they are hostile to the horde but they really aren’t doing anything about their neutral status either.


I vote we use it to shoot the helfers into the void