Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I hope they add it because of races like trolls. The various sub-types of trolls might be similar, but they’re not identical. Revantusk and Darkspear druids shouldn’t use the same forms, for example.

On that same note, Darkspear and Kalimdor tauren should finally get a racially thematic travel form instead of a discount stupid night elf stag.

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At the point of discussion where the entire context is a sub race system right down to re doing racials for people I don’t see why it would matter to even include, because arguably the topic at hand does greatly benefit HE players thats why they always talk about it. So I find it confusing why we’ve suspended disbelief to allow them to be full on HEs infringing once again on BEs, but a possible BE sub race is a “it could go either way” like as RP tools one and no sub race system the argument is racials etc okay but you just discussed re doing those for HE fans so I am now confused.

I’m just saying that this sub race system under that logic which would place undead elves under undead instead which is fine you can want that, but under that logic High Elf as a sub race should go to Blood Elves alone because the logic being used for BEs not getting undead should be used for VEs not getting High Elves.

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Lance was just guessing at what Blizzard might do if they were to do it, not making suggestions or requests.

Thats fair! I am guessing High Elves should go to Blood Elves for BE fans who want their BE to reflect returning to Quelthalas

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But that’s specifically what you want. That’s more of a request. Lance doesn’t specifically want high elves added, as you’re seeming to imply.

But Undead being the better fit for Undead Elves also fits what Lance has said in the past so then is his guess not specifically also the same? My guesses are held to a different standard?

You’re going at it form a stand point of Lance trying to deny things from blood elves and give things to high elf fans, which is the same thing another poster was doing to me last night by telling me I was against high elves, just less directly.

I don’t think he’s trying to deny BEs anything, I think that for some reason suspended disbelief exists in this convo to allow HE fans on VEs to get a sub race for HE, but when Undead Elf was mentioned it was mentioned “it could go either way” thats all

So I too wanted to weigh in and point out that High Elf could go either way in that under that logic it should only go to BEs

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Exactly. It was broached as a topic so I guessed how it might work based on that.

They could theoretically go to either, but I’d find them redundant in general as a Sub-Race for either faction. Blood Elves are the High Elves after changing their name, they’re just not tagged as High Elves. I wouldn’t really care if they gave them a toggle for that if people really wanted it, but I think it would be a bit of a waste of a Sub-Race slot.

This is true. I’m just speculating, certainly not requesting. I don’t view High Elves as being worth adding at this point, but that’s just my opinion.

You mean specifically if Dark Rangers go to Undead, then logically High Elves wouldn’t go to Void Elves? Yes, that makes sense.


This is all I am saying.


The reason was boredom. I was waiting on some auctions to sell and thought I’d kill a little time and the subject was brought up.

Because it’s technically a theoretical possibility, that’s the only reason I mentioned it.

I agree with this, just so we’re clear.

OK. Glad this has been (hopefully) cleared up.


That’s fair. I don’t really see high elves “going to” blood elves in that instance either, since for blood elves they’re just a deprecated title. There’s nothing to gain there, really. Then again, that could be coded by my own bias of personally not caring about the high elf title. Even back when I was pushing for a high elf AR in BfA, I never cared if it was actually called high elf.

I just think a lot of suspended disbelief was allowed for HE fans in this convo to find a way to finesse how a sub race system could work out in their favor, but that same suspended disbelief doesn’t get extended fully under a sub race system for undead Elves (which is fine) but I think then the suspense of disbelief when talking about reworking racials and getting HEs to work for VEs then needs to be brought to the same standards of “they really aren’t High Elves their Void Elves” like if undead elves really aren’t a Blood Elf sub race (fair if thats your stance) then High Elf really isn’t a VE sub race in that same line of thinking that up until this point in the convo everyone seemed to suspend disbelief to entertain as a possibility

If this was always the context I probably wouldn’t have weighed in tbh, but bcz it wasn’t clear / people were suspending disbelief to entertain the sub race being viable for HE fans on the Alliance I just felt this point should be made in return


That’s fair. Just wanted to clarify my stance on the issue, and that I was exclusively offering speculation on a theoretical alternate thing that Blizzard might do.

Like you even mentioned how Paladin would only work for HE under this scenario, so it just seems like arguably a lot of suspended disbelief to entertain this sub race for VEs, but I didn’t feel reading the same amount of suspended disbelief existed to allow BEs to get undead variants as a sub race, so I felt the need to point that out and re establish some like okay if this is the standard then we have to lower our standard for what VEs are or could theoretically get

Right but I just saw a lot of theoretical speculation that allowed more suspended disbelief in favor of HE fans thats all, would you say thats a wrong read through?

Like if were at the point of discussing a new HE racial for a sub race system for VEs, and paladin only being for the HE option etc, but then undead elf is “it could go to forsaken” it seems like that same standard of suspended disbelief doesn’t exist for BEs in this scenario.

I’m fine with undead getting the undead elf option, but then lets discuss why VEs wouldn’t be getting a High Elf option, that seems fair to me no?

I wouldn’t say that you read it wrong per se, but that you ended up with the wrong takeaway. That could have been my fault for not going into the topic further, but the reason I didn’t say as much there is because the idea was only mentioned once, briefly.

The other topic had been brought up in further detail, so my speculation on it went into greater detail because of that is all.

I clarified specifically that Sub-Races having possibly different class choices from their parent races is just a generally suggested thing for Sub-Races.

It wasn’t intended to. I would assume that, purely hypothetically if Undead Elf options did go to Forsaken for some reason, that Blood Elves would get something else. Whether that would be giving them Felblood Elves, some sort of super Light themed riff on Blood Elves, a distinct High Elf Sub-Race option for them, I can’t really say with any level of certainty.

And for the record, just so it’s clear, I’m not suggesting Felblood Elves because I view Blood Elves as “corrupted” in any way. Just that they exist, and could theoretically be made into a Sub-Race if Blizzard chose to do so.

Ditto with giving High Elves as a distinct Blood Elf Sub-Race. It’s something they could do, if they wanted.

This would be an excellent way for Blizzard to finally make taunka and yaungol playable. I’ve been dying for those for years now.

It would also help clear up the character creation screen and leave room for some really unique stuff like drogbar.


Right and thats fine to give undead the DR options of course, but then why is there suspended disbelief to give Void Elves the High Elf tag, Paladin, new racials.

Prior to me did anyone speculate that the High Elf sub race should go to BEs only for BE fans who want their BEs to come from returned High Elves?

Because arguably thats an alternative isn’t it? Like for HEs I only saw the possibility of entertaining it on VEs, but for undead elves speculation exists for it going to undead or BEs.