Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I would love if they did this, as I’ve always thought that model looked cool. It would be nice if they made an equivalent of that larger, stockier model for the Forest Troll women as well.

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There had been a lot of talks that Undead folks wanted to choose the one between Forsaken undead and Calia style undead. Which also can be like another tool tip too.

As for Blood Elves, tool tip for dark elves (undeads) and Blood Elves.

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They could also be a Sub-Race option for Undead, since they’re basically just an unplayable subsection of the Forsaken.

It would probably depend on if Blizzard was going based on model or groups for their Sub-Race system.

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Oh, I managed to find the sub-race thread that I might’ve mentioned earlier in this thread. It was from the EU forums, and comes with image links to show what they’re talking about.

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That’s a great thread, much unlike the third post in it.


At that point what’s the issue though, if you’re flat out rolling the red carpet out for HE fans changing EE etc to fit the racials


The sub-race system wouldn’t focus only on HE fans though. There’d be a lot in it. If Blizzard did it right anyway.

I really can’t imagine them inventing an entire system just for Alliance high elves.

Right but a main benefactor of this would be HE fans it’s why you always see them bringing it up

The same logic that bars BEs from a sub race of undead elves would then be logic that VEs shouldn’t have the tool tip to allow HE as a sub race then correct? Let’s just attach it to BEs


That tangent was just speculation about a theoretical Sub-Race system and how it could function. I wasn’t really weighing in on the topic of High Elves at all. Just discussing that if they were implemented via that system, it might possibly work a certain way.

The thread in question had high elves on both, and also Dark Rangers on blood elves.

But you weighed in on the validity of HE being attached to VEs while discussing racial changes etc, but would push for any undead elf to not be attached to a sub race of BEs for BE players and the same logic then would bar High Elf as a sub race for VEs then yes?

IE; the sub race that allows you to change your name or what have you would only exist for BE players who want to show their character as a High Elf that has returned to Quel’thalas

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That’s not what happened. I think you misunderstood me or I didn’t word it correctly.

I was weighing in on the theoretical idea that, in a vacuum, if High Elves were added under a Sub-Race system to Void Elves, how I thought it would be likely to be implemented.

I proposed that technically they could implement Undead elf options to either Blood Elves or Undead, but that it would probably depend on what exactly they were basing the system’s inclusions off of. Honestly, I don’t know what direction they would go with it.

I didn’t weigh in on it, though. If that’s how my post read, it wasn’t intentional.

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I’m just saying that if you go through all the trouble of laying out ideas for how High Elf fans can run around with new racials and call themselves High Elves while being on Void Elves, but then for some reason find a technicality to say “well actually undead could work better as a sub race” I want to use that same technicality to say “well actually VE fans shouldn’t have the HE sub race BE fans should” is that not fair? Are we not using the same suggestive technicality?

You’re suggesting the undead Elf option shouldn’t go to a sub race under Blood Elves, I am suggesting the High Elf sub race option shouldn’t go to VEs

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I didn’t say Undead would work better. I said they would also work.

I’m also not trying to “give high elf fans ideas to run around with”, I’m just speculating on how something might be implemented.

I’m also not suggesting that the Undead elf options shouldn’t go to Blood Elves.

He didn’t though. He said either could work.

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Right and I am saying my idea that bars VEs from the HE sub race would also work under the technicality only BEs hold the High Elf theme

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And that’s fine, but it has nothing to do with whether I’d rather Undead elf options on Blood Elves or Undead.

Also, I didn’t say that High Elves overlapping with the already existing Blood Elf themes wouldn’t bar them from being made into a Sub-Race for Void Elves, either.

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Yep, sure. That’s fair.

I don’t personally see the need to add it at all, since for blood elves it would be literally nothing but a title, or a way to lock certain options behind a title (remember how Blizzard historically loves restrictions). If they did add a high elf sub-race to the Alliance though, they might as well also do it for the Horde.

But I’m not really that invested in a sub-race system, personally. I just don’t oppose it.

I’m the same. I’d love it for a few additions, like Forest Trolls or Wildhammer, but I’d also love them as their own race or AR options, since they’re races I really like and think would be nice to have as playable options.

I just mentioned that I thought they’d work under a Sub-Race system is all.

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