Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I didn’t really mean it as a sub-race for void elves per say, but basically adding a Thalassian shell race that has both void elves and high elves in it for the Alliance.

My main point was that it was the only way I’d accept Alliance high elves as a race directly at this point. If they were to be added as an independent race, it’d be a waste of a slot since they’d be visually so similar to void elves, and I don’t think the ability to toggle your race name should be added as a special thing only to void elves. It should be something any race could benefit from.

I meant that more of a “No Paladins for void elves” rather than actually caring about high elf Paladins.

The image from the EU thread I included also had felblood elves (I think? They were called Illidari, so that might just be DHs, but I had forgotten that and thought it was felbloods) and some kind of Light themed sub-race in it as a sub-races for blood elves.

Blood elves weren’t the main topic of the discussion, which is why they had less focus. Yes, I would specifically want sub-races for them as well.

It wouldn’t be giving it to void elves, it would be adding it as a separate race, that shares the “Thalassian” parent race. A new race basically, without it actually using a slot, if that makes sense.

I believe I’ve seen this put forth as a possibility before in general. If you meant in this conversation specifically, then yes.

Oh it absolutely is.

Again, like with the theoretical differing classes from the parent race, that could be a Sub-Race thing in general. It was brought up (not by me) that Void Elf Paladins could be specially tagged as High Elves, and then it ended up at the full Sub-Race discussion, where I mentioned that Sub-Races having different classes from their parent race is a common thing for those requests, such as for Wildhammer Druids.

But if Blood Elves wouldn’t get Undead Elves under the reasoning they aren’t undead, then this sub race system seems to have in this convo extended disbelief to allow VEs / Alliance to get HEs under Thalassian, so its odd anyone would even mention Forsaken as a possibility if we’re already at the point of discussion of a whole sub race system that redesigns racials and bars classes depending on choice of sub race.

And I am not saying they shouldn’t go Forsaken, I am just saying the argument that has them go Forsaken is the same argument that should pop the bubble on VEs getting High Elves as a sub race, but it didn’t seem to pop that bubble the convo went on quite a bit which is fine thats why I came in to point out

Which we seem to be in agreement here, but I would say prior to me weighing in this wasn’t the standard / even being acknowledged

Agreed, my point was you didn’t mention it as alternative that I saw, but you did mention an alternative for DR options because thats where imo I saw your suspense of disbelief end or at least point out other possibilities, which is fine but I also feel its fine to point out or discuss otherwise.

That’s the best thing about the sub-race system in my opinion, and the main reason I don’t oppose it. That being said, I don’t find it at all likely. WoW devs seem to hate organizing.

I didn’t see it as relevant the conversation at hand. You have to remember, I don’t care about exclusivity at all, so it’s not something that crosses my mind usually.

I don’t find it likely either, but it’s because adding all of those races would take a ton of effort, and tons of effort isn’t a huge staple of Blizzard’s as of present.

Taunka and yaungol in particular would be difficult as they have no female models and the male models are fairly outdated.

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Undead getting DR stuff as a sub race is fine, but VEs shouldn’t be getting HE as a sub race in that situation and it just seemed odd to me to entertain one idea but have a point of “well maybe it makes more sense on undead” in regards to DR

To be fair, the conversation was more specifically aligned with talking about that one thing. Everything else that was mentioned was given less focus.

I didn’t stop suspending my disbelief, it just wouldn’t have really been natural for me to insert into that topic. I didn’t immediately think of it, then by the time I thought of adding it in, the conversation had already moved past the point where I thought it would seem natural to add.

If it came off as me favouring the theoretical addition of a High Elf Sub-Race for Void Elves and not Blood Elves, it wasn’t my intent.

I didn’t have any organization to my thoughts on it, so this didn’t even occur to me at the time.

I was specifically thinking in terms of “a Thalassian shell race”. Dark Rangers are a bit trickier, since they’re Thalassians, but they’re also Forsaken. I wasn’t looking at it as Void being the base on the Alliance version, but as high elves being new.

It did because it was allowed to be entertained almost with no bounds, whether it was the racial being re done for HE fans, Paladin being added but only for HE option like Somand mentioned, to the High Elf name, but there seemed to be a point of “well these should go to undead” when talking about DRs which I don’t find odd by itself but within the context of this theoretical discussion that already required immense amount of suspended disbelief I did find odd, because at that point it seemed odd to mention at all.

Again, I have to point out that I said could, not should.

I mean if we’re nitpicking then I wanna add that again my point is you didn’t mention that HE “could” only go to BEs under the same context.

I just think if the discussion is Undead should get DR thats fine, but the convo was the sky’s the limit for giving HE fans the High Elf sub race on Alliance so it was odd

It was a direct response to where undead elves could end up in a sub-race system. Not every point in a conversation always has to take the context of the rest of the whole conversation into consideration. That’s not how my mind works, and I’m guessing it’s the same for Lance.

I’m not nitpicking, I’m clarifying that I specifically stated that they could fit there, not that they should.

This is correct. It had nothing to do with the conversation as a whole, it was a response to that one specific point that had been brought up.

They wouldn’t. Realistically, if Blizzard didn’t add a high elf sub-race to the Alliance, they wouldn’t bother with one at all.

Okay well I am clarifying too then that my point is simply that if there’s a standard of where undead options should go the standard should also exist for High Elf options, thats all

Blood elves already have high elf options. They are high elves.

As I said before, that’s fine.

I wasn’t applying a standard to the options. I thought of an alternate option Blizzard might do, that’s it.

This too. That’s probably why I didn’t think to bring it up.

But you didn’t mention an alternative option for Blizzard implementing a High Elf sub race, correct?

Because thats all I wanted to point out, while pointing out the alternative myself, I think the argument that would have Undead get DRs is an argument that also would have VEs not get High Elves, its the same line of argument and its fair for sure

Yes you are. Highly inappropriate and phobic.


Wrong. I quoted what you replied to. You don’t get to backpedal on this.

Proof once more, seeing as how the intention was inclusivity.

You clearly don’t. Because someone’s existence and romantic interests aren’t politics.

Oh we got that from the very first spoiled child type response from you. Believe me, it’s been made very clear you don’t care about anyone except yourself— in and out of game.

At least the thread went in a normal direction since you’ve stopped posting.


I already said it was because I didn’t think of it at the time it was posted. Again, probably for the reason Somand just mentioned: since Blood Elves are High Elves as it is, it didn’t immediately come into my head to separate the two within the context of Sub-Races.