Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I’m going to break it down real easy.

You either support LGBT+ rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, which includes dignified representation as a form of normalization, or you do not.

There is no neutral. There is no moderate centerist middle ground. Unlike gender, this is a binary.


You’re incorrect, because the title states: Level 60 Void Elf Hunter. You ARE a Void Elf, just saying. I’m a High Elf, renamed Blood Elf, so please read the racial description on the character selection screen to verify this to be true.

According to whom? Also, everyone that’s a citizen of the U.S. has those rights as stated in the U.S. Constitution, unless you think only certain people should have those rights.

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Still think its fan fiction?

Baenan spat on the floor near the elf’s feet. “Ye blood elves wouldn’t know nobility if ye had th’ definition tattooed on yer foreheads. Pathetic, slavering magic addicts, ye even sold out yer own people!”

Talithar’s face whitened, giving Baenan the satisfaction of having hit a nerve. He realized it was unwise to bait his jailor, but he was too angry to care.

“Aye,” he pressed, “I’ve met high elves in me life. I know what ye did tae them. I come from Loch Modan; I’ve heard th’ stories from th’ Farstrider lass there—”

In a surprising display of raw physical strength, Talithar crossed the room in a single stride and lifted Baenan clean off his feet, slamming him into the wall. He held Baenan there at the blood elf’s own height, almost twice that of the dwarf’s, and stared him dead in the eye.

“Do not ever—ever—mention her in my presence.” Talithar’s voice was calm, but had a menacing undercurrent that made Baenan’s hair stand on end. He’d intended to upset the elf, but the depth of Talithar’s reaction was shocking. Still, the Horde had taken Baenan captive and denied him the chance to fight with weapons, so he battled with words. And this mage was a symbol of everything he despised.

“I see ye know Vyrin Swiftwind,” Baenan said, purely out of spite. “Someone special tae ye? Well, she hates yer kind now, an’ everything ye stand fer!”

Talithar threw Baenan to the floor. The dwarf landed painfully on his shoulder, bracing himself for the mage’s wrath, but Talithar possessed a surprising amount of restraint and took no further action.

Baenan managed to push himself into a sitting position. His shoulder throbbed, but it was worth it to have provoked the blood elf. Talithar’s head was bowed, and his fists were clenched and white at the knuckles. He looked up, and Baenan’s mouth fell open.

Talithar’s face was streaked with tears.

“A wife does tend to be someone special to her husband.” His voice was thick with rage, humiliation, and despair. He reached into the front of his robe and wrenched a thin gold chain from around his neck, hurling it at Baenan’s feet. The necklace boasted no beads or pendant, just two exquisitely crafted rings, a man’s and a woman’s, high elven in design.

“You think I do not know what I am? We sin’dorei were given a choice: our integrity or our well-being. As if that were any kind of choice at all. I chose my well-being. My wife chose her integrity.”

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That’s not hate.

It’s pain.

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It’s both.

Damn I hate that line. Just a blatant belfs bad helfs good for no good reason.

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Are the belfs bad there?

Where the Blood Elves were at the end of WCIII, survival at any cost is a fairly reasonable take.

At least I find it much more reasonable than to hold onto old traditions and rigid viewpoints that may just as easily seen the end of the Quel’dorei as the Scourge given what had happened to them.


It’s just that whole integrity thing, it just feels a bit excessive in that case. The belfs did what they needed to do to survive as a people, not all of them could go cold turkey, and there was still stuff attacking them, just feels mean from an outside view to write that line.


I can see that.

Though I think the author probably meant it more to show the pain of that particular belfs feelings on the matter. His wife held true to an ideal. He chose the survival of his people.

What happened to the Blood Elves was not a simple matter… If it were real life you’d have people who react many different ways. I think some people would stick to their ideals and many would do what they needed to to survive.

It’d be complicated and not everyone would feel or talk about it the same way.

In the moment Talithar may have just chosen the words that to him made the most sense.


True. I can see that as well.

Just still personally doesn’t sit well. I guess in part with how this whole thing turns out. I tend to see the High elves in a worse light, and the whole general wow issue of how similar actions are treated much differently depending on which faction performs them.

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I think we all do.

Personal biases and all that.

I used to love the SC for instance… until I played through the Purge… didn’t help that I played it on the Horde shortly after.

Wrote my disdain for them into Fenelon’s backstory.

I definitely see things differently as a primarily Alliance side player and a Night Elf for a main for most expansions so far. (though I make a point to play both sides cause… like I pay for this and I love the Horde just as much as the Alliance.)

EDIT: Also I’m out of likes. T_T

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Topic short handed: You are not a high elf you are a void elf /thread.

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Well, at least she’s consistent…since she’s been doing that for years.

Except that was not the only thing they did to the high elves. Lother’mar kicked them out because they would not bow down to his decree of sucking on mana like a vampire.

And while it is true not all of them oculd go cold turkey(mostly young and old) for the majority they could do so, and choose instead to take the easy way out.

I’ve always thought high elves should have been an Alliance race from the start and certainly not a Horde one but that’s not where they took the game. And I just have accepted that was that. People should just accept that at this point it apparently is lore breaking (akin to have some unknown rando being responsible for the entire history of Warcraft might be).

Now everyone has access to the high elf look. And it seems to have landed with a thud.

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This always baffles me.

People say, “don’t necro.” Okay. But then people say, “don’t create new threads for existing subjects…”


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I mean they have the ability to rp their high elves. They can use a macro to cancel EE, use addons to change their race name etc. This thread didn’t need a necro.


Or glyph works if expansion allows it.

They shouldn’t be allowed to turn it off, Blood Elves are High Elves and if they want the lore and racial that doesn’t proc blue they should play a Blood Elf, otherwise Void Elves have two visually distinct themes as it is compared to BEs one that was was infringed on to produce a second one for VEs and like Zan said

Asking for the racial to be changed or even allowed to just not be featured is just asking for more bringing in line with what Blood Elves already are which is the playable High Elf race