Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

You’re a void elf. Not a high elf. If you want to be a “high elf” your only choice is being a Belf and joining the rest of your kind. Belves and helves would have identical racials if they were added anyways.

I know that’s probably been said a million times in this thread, but it’s necessary to repeat until everyone understands that.


We do. Blizzard has the data… if we were just a minority whining about it, it wouldn’t have happened. Understand high elves have been wanted for years, and years. With fansa that have built up over those years. You really think anyone is out there defending void elves with their botched lore, niche aesthetics, and flimsy numbers? As if.

Understand why they are doing what they are doing. They just want their race, so they fight for it. What is wrong with that? High Elf players have been denied long enough. We are tired of the compromises. We just want to be a fully fleshed-out race like all the others. It isn’t asking for so much. Quite literally the bare minimum here.

They could reskin the racial of the void elf to arcane and it’d still fit. Arcane teleport? Sure. GLowing slightly with arcane energy? Why not. They don’t need the blood elf racials. It’s like how Maghar orcs and orcs are just… orcs. But they have different racials. Sky is the limit here.

I’m a night elf and I don’t support your cause at all tbh, what is considered your “fun” doesn’t have to ruin someone else’s fun. There are people who are void elfs because of the shadow theme, I am not advocating for your cause to drastically change a race that has been in the game for over 4 years at this point. If you want a new race, that is fine… but to change an already existing race is going over the line.


You don’t. You’re just making stuff up to fee self important. Helfers just act like a bunch of spoiled children. They all need to stay in their own Discord and Reddit areas and off this forum.

They ruined Velfs and I’m sick and tired of them bringing this crap up from the dead.

Take the drama somewhere else.


Nothing I ask for changes the race that hasn’t already been changed. I only ask for a sub race within void elves for high elves so we can get everything we wanted.

Void elves will still be there, completely intact as they are now. It’s a matter of choice what sort of elf you make.

You already ignore the Void part in your race name, why can’t you ignore the racial?


from Imgflip Meme Generator


Because the racial pops up all around my character, consuming them in this awful, purple glow and changing their appearance completely? How the hell do you not notice that? It’s overpowering. I don’t like it, and I don’t want it on my character.

Okay. Well, I see your take. But I mean, Blizzard has contradicted everything you’ve said so far by giving us the options we’ve asked for time, and time again. They would not listen to a minority just because it’s vocal. But believe what you want. Stay in denial. Good chunk of copium may help you make it through the day.

Well you’ll be happy to know that there’s a fix for that. Roll a Blood Elf. They even gave them Blue Eyes.





Make a macro of a common ability (or several) that uses the ability and has an attached cancel Entropic Embrace command.

It works really well assuming you use a main ability or two.

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I really do think it’s pushing it when “Void” is in the name of Void Elf. To use this example you gave, the difference between Mag’har and regular Orcs is the presence of fel blood.

Mag’har are a separate race for this reason. They’re just not the same species anymore. The green skin is even genetic, as shown by Thrall who wasn’t around to become green by drinking fel blood. Orcs get Blood Fury and green skin, while Mag’har get that ancestral racial and normal skin.

Void elves aren’t high elves for this reason. Void elves gave themselves to the forces of the void just like the original Mag’har gave into fel magic and became the “regular” orcs we know and love.

Blood elves and high elves on the other hand… Well there’s just no difference here anymore besides the eye color. And even that difference is gone since the Sunwell was restored. The fel Blood Elves fed on was a temporary endeavor with no permanent effects (as the new golden and blue eye customizations prove). No, they are one and the same except for the fact High Elves don’t care about the elves that died and remain part of the Alliance. I think it’s more like High Elves are just defectors.


Man, the amount of energy people put in to denying the state of the actual lore of the race they claim to love is amazing.


Blood elves also consumed Fel… which is why they have green eyes. That is a large part of blood elf history, which is absent from high elves. It may not be as prevalent now as it was before, but it still is part of what makes them distinct.

That, and the one major thing being one is alliance, the other is horde. People just want alliance thalassians. They just have so much history within the alliance. Fighting with them for several wars… key figures still acting within the alliance. Alleria, Vereesa. And though not a high elf, there’s even Valeera who helps the alliance quite a lot, especially within the books. Point is, there’s a lot of thalassian influence within alliance territory, and people just want to expand on that lore, and play as them. It’s not hard to understand that. We’re not asking for anything outlandish like orcs in the alliance. We just want what we already see prevalent within alliance armies and territory.

I have. And it’s filled up my macro book with all the macros to cancel aura it from every spell I have with each character I play. I just want to cut the middle man and remove it as a toggle. And also to just not lose the freaking damage as well. Just turn it arcane, or make it invisible, or even around my weapon. Not my whole body, and don’t force me to play the game in a way that makes me create dozens of macros when I just want to not have this horrible effect on my character.

Not the playable ones. Learn the lore.

I mean, the initial elf swap was pretty much that. You getting a form of the horde’s most popular race for the alliance, and you’ve got your copy now. Stop making up headcanon and ignoring the actual lore to try and steal more from the real high elves.


What are you even on about? First of all I never said anything about playable blood elves, just that blood elves consumed fel and it being part of their lore (Fact)

Now all you are saying is I am making things up when you only said something that I didn’t even actually remark on. Like what is your ammo? You’re firing blanks at me.

Besides, blood elves are high elves, but they aren’t the high elves people actually want. People want Alliance Thallassians. Those that are still within alliance territories and armies. (Fact you can find them in multiple locations through alliance territory, some even marked for PVP with alliance)

We live in a world where elves are actually more generic of an option than humans in a fantasy game because of how overrated they are. Just a funny thought.


Elves are fantasy, but still, keep some human aesthetic that people enjoy. It allows them to be in a fantasy world, while not playing something over the top like orcs and lizardmen or something. That is why they are so appealing to people, and why void elves just completely destroy that appeal.

Basically, they are a middleground. Not as lame as just being a human like you are in real life, but not over the top like some other races.

Only the ones in Outland that followed Kael. It’s also not why they have green eyes, which was background fel radiation basically that hit any high elf exposed to it, but they left the ones that teamed up with the alliance blue as a visual shorthand

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.
The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

-Ask a CDEV Round 3


is this satire or are people really this upset about what kind of elf they get to play as