Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

War Games…more people need to see this film

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You mean Blood Elves? Also

Cry all you want, High Elf lore is just Blood Elf lore. You should just accept that you’re a VOID Elf.

Nice try kid, try harder.


Night Elves are tall, lanky, and awkward. They are also just a strange race, so obsessed with nature. I could care less for nature, so night elves do not jive with me.

High elves and blood elves are different. It’s about the culture, where their allegiances go towards. Blood elves embraced a different path, as did high elves. Someone who is currently playing a Pandaren should understand how culture can change a race. That was the basis of your entire starting questline.

But you’re not a high elf, you’re a void elf…


I am demanding we be separated and for high elves to no longer just be an rp tool but a fully fleshed-out sub race.

They gave you a finished race.

Then you and your ilk suddenly decided to stomp all over it and turn it into something it wasn’t meant to be.


Well, let me know how that demanding thing turns out.

While we’re at it I demand that Pandaren get DH.


You do know that hunter best suits a night elf right? you have 1000 pets you can tame in your arsenal, if that doesn’t = nature, then idk what to tell you.

NO …

The race is called void elf not high elf and in all actuality they are already high elves as are blood elves .

It should be like the worgen 2 forms ability where you have to manually click it and once you are in combat it activates . Then once out of combat you can click it off again .

Yes I see this is a necro thread .


yes, but have you seen the way a male nelf holds a bow? :sob:

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No it isn’t. We don’t need this drama going again. Get over it.


Then delete your toon .

-You are never going to be a blonde haired blue eyed uber race elf.


Demanding things have worked out so far. Much to your dismay as we have gotten nothing but high elf options with 0 void elf options in sight.

Just my ilk, huh? Well. My ilk have the louder voice. People have wanted high elves since tbc. Void elves were never going to compete with that, and they never will. The only way void elves can be free is if they finally cave and fully implement high elves entirely. So, with that you should be right there with me. aiding me aids you. You want void options? Well, high elves need to be finished first. Only then will you get anything. Because high elf players demand it more and louder.

Where’s the report button for “this crap is a necro and is nothing but pointless drama?”


I mean, we’ve gotten two steps towards that these past few patches. Who is to say never when it’s clear they are catering towards the crowd that have the majority?

You don’t have a majority. The Helf fans are just loud, obnoxious and can’t get over themselves.


Yeah but it’s good fun to remind the “High” Elf crowed that they’re Void Elves.

You know I used to be on their side, I agreed with them that Void Elves shouldn’t have happened but the constant whining and complaining from them made me hate the idea.


(no cookie for surreal necro thread)


They gave all you helfers an inch and you won’t be happy until you get a mile .

Even if they gave you all you wanted you all would still never be satisfied .