Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

The elephant wouldn’t be harmed by being moved off the mouse.


You’re so obsessed… I was looking up a way to turn off entropic embrace, found this thread, commented. There. Happy? Life fulfilled? Good.

Not obsessed, curious. It’s weird that you’re being so rude about it. I just don’t understand necroing threads and was trying to get how or why people do it.


Yet what does taking the mouse’s side involve here? All that need happen is for the elephant to raise its foot. The quote is not meaningless, and your reaction says a bit about you


The elephant clearly has a reason for stomping on the mouse’s tail. Whether it’s a good or bad reason isn’t for me to judge. But I am not getting involved.

You should just have apologized and said “I am sorry, that was wrong of me to write like that. It was not intentionally to say it like that way.”

Then you have taken the side of the Elephant against the mouse.


I haven’t. I am not assisting the elephant in stomping out the mouse. I am not assisting the mouse in getting out of its predicament.

I assess that both sides must have a reason to be in this predicament. I see I do not have enough information to make an optimal call. I take the smart approach to this, and I let it get resolved by itself. If your cause is truly just, surely you’ll overcome it yourself. If not, then you’ll be stomped. Me jumping in means I have to make that call. That I am the judge, jury, executioner. But it is not my call, I have no right to make it. I will not make it. You will deal with your own problems.

It’s very often, especially these days that transphobes, homophobes, racists ect. will try to act like they are enlightened centrists that are completely neutral because it’s easier to veil things behind neutrality. If someone has to keep declaring they are neutral they probably aren’t actually neutral.


I am forced to do so, because you keep jumping the gun and making generalizations about me. I have not ever attacked any of you. I always just steered clear of every conversation. Only when you forcibly rope me in do I have to defend myself. I am truly neutral. The fact you can’t accept that means you have your own problems. That you can’t accept neutrality. That I have to be on your side no matter what or I am the bad guy.

That’s the rhetoric you’re trying to sell. But I’m not buying what you’re selling.


No one forced you to call it gross, or treat a story line you didn’t know about as some sort of aggressive political attack on you for not being the way you thought it should be.


I didn’t call it gross. I said it not being valeera was gross. Nothing about it being gay.

I never said it was a political attack on me either. I just know the author and what they do.

Close-minded. Made up your mind. Nothing I say or do will change that. You are the very person you hate. Lovely. Truly. It’s its own kind of justice.

But it wasn’t introduced in a book, it happened in game.


It’s simple, your claim of neutrality becomes less believable with every moment you open your mouth. It’s almost like you aren’t actually neutral and the mask begins to slip off.


Is that so? Mind going more into detail? Or are you gonna be like everyone else and claim something and just leave it there. Like yeah, I’m so right. I won’t explain why I’m right or give the person the chance to explain themselves by being so vague, but I’m right.

Well this statement was really passive aggressively stating that your statement and reaction of “gross” was really not neutral.


As I said, I know the author. I know the intention. I did not like the intention.

For one for someone with claims of “neutrality” you sure as hell have a hate bone for an author and people’s interests without any specified reason.

And then there is the classic “I don’t care about this it’s politics” but it turns out you actually do care quite a bit it seems.


The intention to have LGBTQ+ representation you mean?