Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

People should just choose whatever faction they want to go and stick with that. This seems like a fair trade. Who knows. we might see more human players wanting to go to Horde more than blood elves going to alliance.

You know there was a human that mourned for Saurfang during his funeral and is neutral for Horde.

… This xenophobia is getting a bit touchy, but I can’t really say much because Warcraft had been building up xenophobia type of theme for many years. But I am really getting tired of talking about this because there is not a single room for compromise from you.

You are right. I stand firm there are no compromises. Alliance thalassians or bust.

Again, Goblins. They’ve made generally neutral factions playable on a certain faction.

Same with Gilneas, a faction that wasn’t important at all for WC3

Sure. And we’ve seen alliance trying to recruit them. They just decided there’s more money to be made being neutral, where as bilgewater owes a debt to the horde.

As for gilneas… so? What does gilneas have to do with anything. You saw how the alliance recruited them.

Keep in mind Goblins have always just been neutral mercenaries. It makes sense they’d never actually pick a side unless forced to do so.

So? What’s the problem with them being added? Blizzard would obviously make lore wise reasons for this like before.

Good luck then. Though it’s bound to happen that cross faction to allow players to choose is gonna happen and you’ll see bunch of Orcs and Trolls hanging out in Stormwind City. idk if you’ll continue playing to see that.

Because they are just pirates and have no actual bearings on the lore. They are no different from the hundreds of other pirates we’ve killed. Plus pirates aren’t just a human group. They usually consist of like… other races. I mean they are pirates. That isn’t a race, it’s a group.

It doesn’t make sense to me.

The human prince almost wiped the High Elves off the planet, then a human general tried to finish the job. And yet people think it’s logical and reasonable for the High Elves, who changed their name to Blood Elves after the slaughter of their people in memory of the fallen, would want to join the Alliance.

That would be like Teldrassil survivor night elves wanting to align with Sylvanas of their own free will.

Honestly, the existence of the Silver Covenant also doesn’t make any sense in the wake of Garithos ordering the Thalassian elves be imprisoned in violet hold and executed at dawn. How could any other Thalassian elf there remain in good conscience?

If a paladin trainer is all you need for paladins why does the warlock trainer for them not count?

Well, sense or not you see them in the alliance so… it’s already in lore.

I said it’s more of a slippery slope because demonology and fel actually is kinda against what high elves are about. Where-as paladins aren’t. It’s more negative towards warlocks than paladins is all I am saying. Not saying they can’t be warlocks, but it’s not their thing.

Valeera still hangs around for Alliance and is informant for Mathias Shaw despite that she is Blood Elf. Anything is possible for whoever and whatever the character decides to side with whatever faction should faction choice be an option from here on.

The principle is you are a void elf.

More than an informant. Valeera and Mat are in a relationship apparently.

I think you may have missed a huge plot point


I am demanding high elves. Name, hair, etc. Not going over this again. Point is you’re just saying the same thing I’ve already countered dozens of times.

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Flynn and Shaw are canonically in a relationship.

I hate that. I hate people saying that. Okay? What did I miss? Freaking explain.

You’ve missed the word Flynn

Source: Christie Golden’s new book

What Sateria said