Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

It is a necro and the person who necroed it is probably going to on forum vacation and the thread is probably going to get deleted.


You’re so angry. This post has been up for a while now. It’s still here. No need to be so salty because we’re taking your options. Learn to share.

In fact, you tried to flag my post, and it got restored. So clearly blizz is cool with it.

I just think you can hit a point where you have more races than you can handle. I mean, they already do a horrible job giving many existing races any lore relevance in each expansion, do we need to add more races that might get the spotlight when they’re introduced then disappear, or just take over spots where an existing race might have fit in instead?


That is a problem that will never get fixed. At this point, who cares? It’s the rule of fun and the rule of cool. People want more races, add more races. It gives player agency. Play what you think is coolest, what you jive with more. The more options the better.

It’s all opinions. Depending on the game style, I can get a little turned off on a game that goes with too many race choices. Like if there’s supposed to be a story, I feel like if there’s a zillion races it’s going to all play the same with just some minor effect that might just be stats, maybe some dialogue changes. Plus too many times it just ends up being minor variations on the same body passed off as races.

So like I’m annoyed with HMT (among other similar ARs, but I like Tauren) b/c the only real difference in the antlers, and I can’t use them on this character. I’d much rather they’d just give us the visual options for various minor differences like that rather than make them a whole new race. I don’t feel like the name itself is that big of a deal, I’d rather it just be a Tauren on tool tip and I can have my own story about him being HM if I wanted.

Keep the number of races, just add new cosmetic options in to represent other varieties of those races and we can do the rest.

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Well, not likely to happen. Allied races were insanely popular. Which shows that new races are insanely popular. That is the data blizzard sees,

We’ll see, just my opinion that I’d rather see fewer races with much wider options than more races with narrower options.


That’s fine. Just saying why a new race is likely. Not attacking your opinion.

Deargodinheaven why are you people still arguing with this troll? He’s literally the only one in here arguing with y’all. Not to mention, he’s now getting offensive.

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I guess they kind of assume you are anti-Blood Elf for saying that.

What is anti blood elf about that? That’s anti breaking the faction barrier.

Other than the part where the faction barrier is broken to give the Alliance a copy of the Horde’s most popular race?

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I am assuming he just doesnt’ want that word “blood” on the elf.

There’s two of them.

I’m mostly just too tired after a long week of birthday :tada:, midterms, and prog. I’m too tired to sit up and get on my laptop and need to vegetate for a while.

This is entertainment basically.


That isn’t breaking the faction barrier. They are different politically. Like with the Pandaren. But I don’t want to see orcs, or trolls in alliance, same with Humans and Night elves on Horde.

Like, high elves have been part of the alliance since blood elves were introduced in tbc. They’ve always been there. But they are different. They have different loyalties and beliefs.

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What’s political about? They are just going to Alliance to fight for the Alliance. Isn’t that political enough?

What is keeping you from RPing as High Elf paladin should Blood Elf be able to choose faction to go to Alliance?

It may not be anti-Belf, but it’s seriously deluded headcanon, because none of that even exists anymore. For all intents and purposes, there is no more Helf culture.

Y’all really need to just ignore him and stop bumping the thread. Mute it and let’s all move on from the obnoxious spoiled child syndrome that is Helf fanatics.


People like you really are toxic, ya know that? I mean, go ahead and ignore it. You should have done that from the start. But you didn’t. Cause it bothers you. You can admit it. You’re just trying to derail me. You could have taken your own advice, but you’re not smart enough for that.

That’s your opinion.

Factually, they are the same race, and now the Alliance basically has the better version of blood elves and the Horde got squat. They weren’t introduced as neutral like Pandas, and so the faction barrier was broken by giving one side’s race to the other and the other side getting a weird mutated version of an NPC race crossed with night elves

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I mean, if there’s orcs on alliance, and humans on horde, what even is the faction anymore then? What is the politics? Like I don’t understand the point of even having a horde and alliance anymore.