Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

Calling someone with 6k posts an “alt”



A few sour posts and your stance changes, huh? Then you never had a real stance, to begin with. Just admit you were neutral from the start. Personally, I don’t care what your stance is, but if you come here and try to conflict with me then you created a problem. Sometimes it’s best to let your opinion go silent.


This kind of rhetoric from you really shows that you need to step back from the conversation, as it’s just getting sad now.


I remember the time one of the Anti-Belf people called my trans self a fake man because I didn’t support their Anti-Belf demands. To this day that person is still around and is widely embraced and welcome by the Anti-Belf community.


What benefit would this possibly provide me?

Ok, well I’d like a braid toggle for the tentacles. Is that good enough for you, or is it more “lying”?


I have no idea what you’re even posting this in relation to.

Seriously, if you don’t point out what you’re trying to say by this, it’s just nonsense.

How has my stance changed? Admit I’m neutral? It’s not coherent.


I’m mocking how you just flip-flop on beliefs. Stating that if something so minor caused you to stop supporting something, then the truth is you never actually believed in it to begin with. And basically, I’m just getting annoyed with you trying to drag up conflict with me. Again, for you, it’s best to just stay silent.

But you know the Anti-Belf people here will never acknowledge this. ^

Or that there were other Anti-Belf people who have threatened to quit over trans representation being added in game.


He just literally stated that he “used to be pro” then he went anti. His entire posts are based on that, like condescendingly and gaslighting to be “neutral” when his tone of his post are not even close neutral.

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Right, so nothing.

Something as minor as a significant amount of awful behaviour from a specific group of people?

If you’re serious with this, then wow.

I’m not dragging up conflict with you. I don’t care enough about you to do that. I have pointed out when you were wrong more than once. If that felt like conflict to you, it wasn’t my intent.

I’m going to have to go with no. Thanks but no thanks.


I like how people changing their mind when being provided with more information is flip-flopping.

This just makes me want to continue to share my takes more.


they think they are a religion or a cult not advocates for a certain race lmao, if you changed your beliefs clearly you never truly had believed.

legit cult-like rhetoric.

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Pointed out I was wrong? You’ve literally proved nothing in every single one of your posts you’ve made. I’ve defended everything you’ve come at me with, and then you just moved on, nothing left to say about it, because you knew you were wrong. You can consider our actions as deplorable as you want, but at least we are working towards something. You’re just here wasting your effort to try and shut us down. Hasn’t worked out so far, has it?

A better use of your time would be to match our passion into something you’re actually passionate about. And try to work towards achieving it from blizzard. Derailing us literally is pointless.

How about we remove green skin from core race orcs too? I want to be a MAIN universal orc not from an alternative universeal.

What’s the old saying about how if you have to say that you’re right…


There are certainly some elements like that going on. Some dogma type stuff for sure.

Female gnome has been typing a long time.

Anyone want to speculate if I’m going to die of old age before they post or not?



That only is implied when you say you are right before feedback is given. Defending yourself is another matter entirely.

Also, in his post, he claimed he proved me wrong, yeah? Shouldn’t you be saying that to him? He came at me with that, with little to no other information on what he proved wrong even was. That is the very definition of what you just posted. It shouldn’t be aimed at me.

You mean Mr. R said F word in anti discord?

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You mean a thing that we’ve since addressed, made clear rules about, and have now learned how to be a better discord from?

You gonna pull out the out of context screenshot of a joke about the conspiracy theories about it as proof that we coordinate thread deletions and such in a hidden channel next?